Bill Dietrich
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I was born and grew up around Trenton NJ, USA.
Worked for 20 years as a computer programmer, first at Bell Labs, then in Silicon Valley.
Retired at age 43, and lived and cruised on a sailboat for 13 years, first in the USA and then in the Caribbean. (My final daily log file.)
Met a lady in Barcelona, and decided to give up cruising and live with her in Spain. Lived in Barcelona for about a year, lived in Jerez de la Frontera for more than a year, now living in Barcelona again. (My latest daily diary.)

- 1958: born in NJ.
- 1972: started high school at The Hun School in Princeton NJ.
Similar to first computer I ever used, in high school:The one in high school had noisy teletypes with paper-tape. I wrote an Acey-Deucey card game with betting, which was very popular.
- 1976: physics class at Princeton University taught by Gerard O'Neill.
- 1976: graduated high school.
- 1976: started college at University of Virginia.
- ???: somewhere in here my father bought a Radio Shack computer to use for his office and later at home.
- ???: worked two summers as student at Princeton Plasma Physica Laboratory.
- 1980: graduated college with BS in Computer Science.
- 1980: started work at Bell Labs in Holmdel NJ. Now the building is
Bell Works,
a "metro burb" where people live and have small businesses.
- 1980: started graduate study at USC in Los Angeles.
- 1981: graduated from USC with MS in Computer Science.
- ???: worked at Holmdel NJ location of Bell Labs.
- ???: interesting demo project I worked on at Bell Labs: making
a Unix laptop similar to this Radio Shack laptop:
- ???: worked at Freehold NJ location of Bell Labs.
- 1988: left job at Bell Labs.
- 1988-2001: lived in Sunnyvale CA.
- 1988: started job at Voysys Corp (voice mail software) in Sunnyvale CA.
- 1996: left job at Voysys.
- ???: worked at voice-HTML startup.
- ???: worked at Wayfarer (internet push software).
- ???: Wayfarer acquired by Vantive (CRM software).
- 1999/2000: Vantive acquired by PeopleSoft.
- 2001: left job at PeopleSoft.
- 5/2001: bought sailboat in Florida and started living aboard.
- 2013: first visit to Barcelona.
- 10/2015: moved to Barcelona, got residency.
- 2016: sold sailboat.
- 8/2016: moved to Jerez de la Frontera.
- 12/2017: moved back to Barcelona.
- 1/2018: married.
A couple of pictures of me:

And from Spain:

My GitHub repositories
Some things I like:
Educational videos on YouTube: Crash Course.
RSS feeds I read/monitor (I skim all the titles every day, but read or listen to maybe 5% of the items): feedlist.opml (feedlist.html; created with Linux script

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