Barcelona Diary 2024

Bill at Barca football game

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Trip to Nice France
Trip to Ampuero Spain

Research and tips about traveling to Barcelona
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Sun for a new day  2024-01-01 (Monday)

Sun for a new day  2024-01-02 (Tuesday)

Dora doing an esthetic treatment on her sister at the last minute. Tons of luggage. Taxi at 10:15.

Got near Laredo and going uphill on a highway entrance ramp the taxi stalled and wouldn't restart. Driver seemed dismayed but unsurprised; seems this car has had this problem before. Fortunately we're very early for the bus. Soon had another taxi to take us to the bus station, and another brought the luggage 15 minutes later. To banks in town to get cash etc, then a quick snack in the bus station cafe.

5-hour bus to Zaragoza, 1.5 hours there, 4-hour bus to Barcelona, taxi home. Smooth trip, bus had TV screen at each seat so I watched a bunch of movies with no sound.

Arrived home around 10:40, and all is well (except the apartment is heaped with clothes and stuff everywhere, Dora made a real mess before we left).

Sun for a new day  2024-01-03 (Wednesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Went to new apartment to see the status, and progress is slow. The air-conditioner units have been installed in the rooms, but the big outside units have not been installed yet. Other than that, not much change, the electrical still is not finished, floor and ceiling not done yet, etc.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-04 (Thursday)

Sun for a new day  2024-01-05 (Friday)

Another death-march day with Dora. Up at 7:30. Supposed to go to a medical scan at 9, but we didn't get out of the house until just before 10. She had scan from 11:30 to 1. To Post Office, and spent a long time doing things. To a restaurant and I had a nice hamburger. To a pharmacy for a long session. Taxi home, and Dora took pills and collapsed into bed. During the day, she missed a hairdresser appointment and cancelled another medical appointment she had.

Went to gym but it was closed; I guess they consider today a holiday, even though the Post Office doesn't.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-06 (Saturday)

Out with Dora around noon. Cold day. Walked and shopped and found location of office she wants to buy. To a restaurant for a nice dinner. By the end of it, she was falling asleep hard, and figures she took a Diazepam by accident when we were home. Got home and she went to sleep.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-07 (Sunday)

Sun for a new day  2024-01-08 (Monday)

Son supposed to fly home today, but his flight is cancelled, because of a strike I think.

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

One-year anniversary of the death of my brother, Chris. My brain still is trying to deal with his passing.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-09 (Tuesday)

SNAFU: the electricity has been disconnected for non-payment, and any attempt to get Dora to call the power company draws a tirade.

Niece and father arrive from the North.

Out in midday with Dora to go to a cafe and then to her tax guy. Later she and father go out to bank.

Life is pretty grim with no lights, heat, refrigeration, cooking, internet, TV. And worrying about when we'll get them back. At least it's not too cold in the apartment.

Not until the end of the day can I get the story out of Dora: the power company has been charging about €700 per month for the last three months, when a typical bill should be more like €200 or €300. So she's been refusing to pay, and they've been sending warning notices, and finally they disconnected us.

Around 6:30 I manage to coax her into calling the company, I pay €240 on my credit card. Not sure when the power will come back on.

We go to bed, sleep for a couple of hours. Then I try flipping all the breakers off and back on, and it works, we have power ! So out of bed, and a normal evening of computing, TV, food, shower, etc.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-10 (Wednesday)

Did various errands in mid-day, challenging my language skills.

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Cold rain in late afternoon and evening.

Son arrived from the North.

In evening, dog arrived home from sitter. He's happy to be home. He seems bigger, but maybe that's just his winter coat of fur. We're happy to have him back.

Barcelona is starting to impose masking again, in hospitals and health facilities. Apparently flu and COVID are surging. Someone in an apartment upstairs has COVID, and it doesn't sound good, because of several pre-existing health conditions. Dora told his wife he needs to get to a doctor or hospital very soon.

Apparently I had the electricity-cut situation wrong. A previous company is trying to charge us €700/month for three months, and Dora refuses to pay it. But we changed companies. The payment to the new company bounced because Dora didn't have enough money in her bank account. So the €240 I paid was to bring us up-to-date with the new company, and there should be no cutoff in the future (knock on wood).

Sun for a new day  2024-01-11 (Thursday)

Dog went to hairdresser, came back clean and fluffy but needs to go on a diet. Before and After pics.

In the evening, out with Dora to a hospital to have a -oscopy done on her.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-12 (Friday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

In the evening, dog off to veterinarian; son thinks the dog may have an infection. And he was right.

Father left to go to South; I didn't find out until next day.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-13 (Saturday)

At 9 or so in the evening, we went to a nearby Peruvian hair salon where they were having a party to celebrate a year of business or something. Lots of loud talk and music and dancing in a fairly small room. Drank lots of cava.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-14 (Sunday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

In evening, went to new apartment. Looks like no work has been done since I was last there, 11 days ago.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-15 (Monday)

Workers showed up at 10:30 to take us shopping, but Dora wasn't ready to go until 12:15. Took us to a mega-store south of the city.

Apparently it has been decided that both bathrooms need a major renovation: floors and walls and plumbing. And the kitchen will be re-done too. I expect the old price tag of €23,000 is now more like €45,000. Some work is waiting on responses from insurance and from the neighbor downstairs to get access.

Ate in store cafe. Picked out toilets and flooring and wall-tiles. Long stop at an energy-company kiosk to try to get the bill changed over to Dora's name.

Back into truck and to another place to choose laminate flooring for the whole apartment; apparently it will take 15 days to arrive. Home around 5:30, tired.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-16 (Tuesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Dora's laptop that we bought 11 months ago suddenly won't power on any more. So in late afternoon we took it to ECI and left it for repair, which could take weeks. To Foster's Hollywood for a nice hamburger-and-ribs dinner; I had a frosted mug of beer.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-17 (Wednesday)

Filed the Spanish ETE form, although filing fails each year because no PDF application I can find can handle the deprecated PDF forms they use. I figure filing and getting a rejection is better than not filing at all. Although I doubt I'll ever get questioned about it.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-18 (Thursday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-19 (Friday)

Cold and grey and rainy.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-20 (Saturday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike. My weight is down from 101 Kg 2+ months ago to 98 Kg now, mostly because of eating less, not the exercise.

At midnight, out to hospital so Dora could have scans. Back home and in bed by 3 AM.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-21 (Sunday)

Going on a trip with Dora for a couple of days, to the town of Puigcerda Spain. Just a little vacation.

Up at 9 and out to a taxi at 11. To nearby train station, where we find the tickets are complicated and the internet schedule was wrong by 10 minutes, in our favor. Onto train, rode half an hour or so, then the line is closed for repairs, so onto a bus for 30+ minutes. Onto another train, rode a couple of hours, arrived at Puigcerda.

Sunday afternoon, most things are closed, had a good search for an open restaurant. Found a nice one, had to wait 30 minutes for a table. The food was terrific.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-22 (Monday)

Late breakfast in the hotel area right next to our room. Then tried to do some online banking, but failed, so first stop in town has to be the bank. Had to find out how to get up to the main streets of town, which involved taking an inclined lift and then a tall tower-elevator.

To bank, and spent a long time there. Got €8000 transferred to the apartment workers.

Wandered, enjoyed views, found Tourist Info. Dora would like to go to a ski resort and watch people skiing, but it turns out the nearest area is a bit far away and might be closing an hour or so after we could arrive there. So we decide to explore this town instead.

Most shops are closed today, the guy at Tourist Info says Monday kind of is their day off. Fortunately a fair number of restaurants are open.

We find the small half-frozen lake in town, and walking around and near it is pleasant. A bit cold at times. Pics.

Back into the center, and chose a restaurant for dinner. Food pretty good.

Out, wandered a bit more, found a nice pedestrian-shopping street but with everything closed, then to the hotel. Maybe coming here mostly on Sunday and Monday was a bad choice. But Dora was busy on Saturday.

Now Dora is telling me the kitchen in our new apartment needs a complete replacement, not just renovation. More money. I guess we're changing everything from 1967 to 2024.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-23 (Tuesday)

Decided to stay here another day. Late breakfast, then I loafed while Dora did Christmas cards and phone calls etc. Before long, much of the day was gone.

Finally got going around 3. Up into town, to a pastry shop for a sort-of-lunch. Then long sessions for Dora in a farmacia and then a knitting shop. By then it was 8:30, and we went back to the hotel.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-24 (Wednesday)

A warmer day, and much of the snow is gone from the mountains, just leaving some at the very tops. I think climate change must be killing the ski industry around here.

Breakfast, then into town around 11. We had thought of taking a taxi to a nearby French town, but instead Dora spent a solid 90 minutes in a farmacia buying stuff. After that, we could have visited France and then caught a later train, but I didn't want to.

So we caught the 1:30 train back to Barcelona, with a bus in the middle to cover the section where they're doing work. A pretty smooth trip.

Then to a hotel in Barcelona not far from our old and new apartments, getting to the room around 6. The big news I haven't been talking about is that there has been a big family blow-up, and we're kicked out of sister's apartment here. And of course our new apartment isn't ready yet. So we'll be living in hotels for a while.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-25 (Thursday)

Nice view from our 11th-floor hotel window: pic. If you look carefully (at least in real life, not the photo), you can see lots of major landmarks: Agbar building, W building, Sagrada Familia, more.

Wanted to get going at noon, but Dora busy on phone, ran out of time. Then she told me she's going on a trip. Finally put her into a taxi at 3, she's doing a sudden 18-hour Madrid-and-back trip to have a medical appointment there tonight.

I picked up our dog and took him for a walk. He was ecstatic to see me, and the walk was good for both of us.

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To supermarket next to hotel, for food etc.

In evening, went to new apartment. Looks like there's been lots of demolition, including completely removing the wall between the two bathrooms. Kitchen. Bathrooms. Not sure if the outside air-con units have been put in place yet. Electrical still not done to the level of having a new fuse-box and actual switches and outlets put in. I assume a day will come soon when a bunch of guys will descend on it and create new bathrooms in a day or so, and ditto for a kitchen once we've picked what we want (yet to be done).

Sun for a new day  2024-01-26 (Friday)

Dora arrived back from Madrid at 10. Her trip was a bust: the doctor left early, breaking her appointment.

An effort to drag Dora out and up to the govt office, where they refused to serve us because we didn't have an appointment and it was too late in the day for walk-ins. Not a big deal, we can do it in a week or so.

Stopped at dentist office to make an appointment. Paid water-bill at ATM. Then to park near old apartment to meet son and dog. Walked the dog a bit.

Decided to stay in this hotel one extra night. But a relatively expensive night (€96), since it will be Saturday night. I looked at AirBNB's around here, and there are no good ones.

In the evening, spent a couple of hours on the computer mapping out our travel for the next 10 days or so. Shifting commitments, someone else made a reservation for us in Paris but the congress starts 2 days earlier than that, various credit cards working or not, etc. Finally got it done, I think: train to Madrid, hotel outside Madrid, then plane to Paris, six days there split over two hotel rooms.

To supermarket.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-27 (Saturday)

Frittered away the whole morning, as usual. Then into a taxi with suitcases. To an optician, to get Dora's glasses repaired. Then trundled the suitcases toward the old apartment, but didn't make it. Dora stopped in a cafe to use bathroom and get a snack, and it made her sick. I went to old apartment, she stayed in cafe.

I walked the dog three times. Dora finally arrived. I thought we were going to pack the suitcases for our trip, but Dora did lots of other things and was tired and hungry, so we're going to come back late tonight. Her father and sister are arriving soon from the South, and she doesn't want to be here because her father is sick with flu. We'll come back when he is asleep.

To Foster's Hollywood for dinner.

At midnight, to old apartment. Where Dora did N things before starting to pack. Finally I got out at 2:45 and took a suitcase to the hotel, and into bed by 3. Dora didn't get to hotel until 7.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-28 (Sunday)

Up at 10. Heading to Madrid today.

SNAFU: Dora spends several hours in bathroom etc, doing some medical treatment to her face. My stress level is off the charts. We can't make our 2 PM train, reschedule tickets. Finally into taxi, but need to go to old apartment to dump excess baggage (ending up with still 2x what I'd like). Now we're going to miss the 4 PM train by 10-15 minutes; reschedule tickets again. We have the taxi drop us at a restaurant near the station, and have dinner there. I start to feel a bit better.

Get onto 6 PM train, and they serve us another dinner, but much smaller. Nice ride to Madrid.

In local train to Alcala de Henares, Dora tells me she's going to be treating a patient in the hotel (or a nearby hotel) much of the night. A feature of our trip I didn't know about. So this swing through Madrid is not a waste; I had thought it mostly was.

Into hotel room at 10:30. Nice to have arrived. I'm a bit of an anxious traveler even when I have everything under control, and travel with Dora drives my stress levels off the chart sometimes. And I don't function well when my sleep gets disrupted, as it was last night.

At 11, Dora is out to her patient. She's back at 3:20.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-29 (Monday)

Late breakfast, staying late in hotel this afternoon. Out to Correos and then some shops.

Out of hotel, wait taxi. Then long expensive ride around to other side of Madrid, to another outlying town, Moscoles. Visited Dora's relatives there. A nice visit, but only an hour and a lot of hassle to get there. Into another taxi and ride to airport.

In airport, Dora did her usual magic to reduce number of bags, and we got checked-in and on the plane. Smooth flight.

Landed at 11:45, soon had baggage and then a taxi. Cabbie pretty rude.

To residence-hotel and into room by midnight-45.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-30 (Tuesday)

Dora up at 6 AM to go to a medical course. I slept until 10. Shower, then downstairs to get Wi-Fi info.

SNAFU: Then found out that Dora is skipping the class, they wanted an extra €3000 fee for it. And her credit card was denied for registering for the main conference. By the time she got that straightened out, the conference (or the part she wanted) was full.

Went out for a quick explore of the neighborhood. There's a train station (Clichy-Levallois) but I think no metro. Lots of decent restaurants. Found an ATM and got cash. Found a small grocery store and got some supplies. There's a big-box shopping center nearby but I didn't go to it.

This trip was not planned by me, and we're staying in outskirts of Paris, so I'm not sure of our options. But soon I find that we're equidistant from two Metro stations, probably closest is Anatole France. And the local train station runs to the Gare Saint-Lazare station nearer the center. We've been to Paris before and seen many of the attractions, so maybe we should just wander and eat on this visit. Dora's sister should have arrived this morning, but I don't know about that angle of it.

Dora arrived around 3:30, just as I was downstairs getting our reservations straightened out. Someone else made a 4-day reservation for her, and his name was mangled in the computer. All okay now.

Turns out her sister is not coming, so needs to cancel that reservation if possible. Father gave flu to niece. And sister's taxi to airport got screwed up too, so she was going to miss the flight anyway.

Dora skipped the class, but still hopes to register for the congress.

Booked a train to return us from Paris to Barcelona on 4th.

Dora crashed and slept.

Dora thinks someone stole one of her coats out of the hotel room today. But I was in the room most of the day, and it was locked whenever I was out.

Around 8, went out to dinner at a Moroccan place; food was very nice. Pic.

Walked down to metro station, and it's a longish way away. Better to use the train.

Sun for a new day  2024-01-31 (Wednesday)

Late start, took taxi to convention center and got there at 2. Dora trying to register for congress, but they say she hasn't paid, and I think her card doesn't work.

We retire to Hyatt cafe for very expensive snacks. Dora is trying to figure out the state of her business bank account, and it's complicated, and the phone-app is unclear. Someone at her bank branch the other day told her she has Nk, now she calls a main number and they say she has N-8k, the phone-app seems to say she has near-zero. Her card was denied several times when she tried to pay for this congress online. Now she's convinced that someone has been stealing her money, and she's furious and panicking. She tried to change the password 30 minutes ago, but person on the main number says the old password still is the right one.

She spends some time talking to an exhibitor about maybe buying a machine or something. Then back to registration, and she's convinced they or a scammer has charged her 3 times for the congress registration. Eventually her card works and they give her a badge and promise an investigation. She wants to go to (French) police, I try to dissuade her, eventually she postpones that idea. But she's furious. It's about 9, last thing I want to do is spend half the night in a French police station.

We walk down to Arc de Triumphe, and find a decent restaurant (a bit pricey) for dinner. Pic. She calls to try to cancel her business credit card, but can't get it done with her bank. True to form, she wants to pay with her business card to see if it works, but she can't find the card in her well-stuffed purse, uses a different card.

Taxi to home, arriving at 11:15. Cleaner cleaned the room today (we paid €10 for that), but left no toilet paper and only one towel. I go to reception and get replacements.

I log in to Dora's business bank account on the laptop, and all looks normal to me. She hasn't been charged even once for the congress before paying this evening. The balance is in transtion from N-7k to N-9k with this charge. The big discrepancy is she says she sent 10k (in multiple transfers) to this account from another account, and I don't see that. I don't know why someone at the bank recently told her she had Nk; she had N-7k at that time. I think the denied card-transactions may have been due to some credit-limit, since fixed. No one has been stealing her money, IMO.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-01 (Thursday)

Dora off to congress. I went walking in the neighborhood; rainy for a moment, walked in a big shopping mall, tried to walk up to river but ended up in municipal cemetery, bought food in a couple of shops.

Out again later for a walk and into the shopping mall. Cold and grey out.

Dora home at 9 or so. Apparently she didn't even go to the sessions at the congress, she just spent all day chatting with people.

SNAFU: At 9:30, we're about to go to dinner, and she realizes she left her computer bag (with laptop and tablet) at the convention center. She calls the center, someone looks for it, promises to look on security tapes.

Out to a Vietnamese restaurant, very good food. Pics.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-02 (Friday)

Dora off to congress, stealing my phone-charging cable in the process. And still convinced that someone is stealing her money from her bank account. If she accuses someone, she's going to get in trouble.

I'm out for a walk. To ATM, to shopping mall, bought charge-cable and earphones, walked, to grocery store.

Out again later for another walk, scoping out restaurants, going through a park, etc. To shopping mall again.

Dora home at 8:30. Laptop and tablet are gone. And just after she got home, security/restaurant called to say they haven't recovered them.

Dora didn't feel like going out to eat, so I went out and got take-away from a kebab-shop. Raining just a little.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-03 (Saturday)

Dora off to congress.

Out for a longish walk. Cold and grey weather, almost rainy. Got disoriented when I went into a supermarket to buy food and came out a different entrance, but managed to find my way home.

Out again later for a walk in the shopping mall.

Dora home at 7, with 5 bags of stuff she bought at the congress, and having a furious dispute with the taxi driver over the fare.

And then she's mad about laptop and money stolen, she says she's going to stay here two more days to deal with them, despite us having train tickets for tomorrow and hotel starting tomorrow in Barcelona. Eventually she gives up on the stay-more-days idea. She's grumbling about going to police tonight or tomorrow morning.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-04 (Sunday)

Dora refusing to pack and shower and get dressed. Instead she's playing with some big new machine she's bought.

Lots of anxiety and grief. Eventually I decide I have to leave by myself, she's going to stay here another couple of days. And just as I get ready to go out the door, she changes her mind and starts packing and showering etc.

We get downstairs and into a taxi after 1. Long ride to Gare de Lyon, arrive just after 2 for our 2:42 train. Any movement is agony since we have two huge heavy suitcases, a smaller heavy suitcase, and about 6 bags full of other stuff, plus our own personal bag/purse. But we have made it with about 15 minutes to spare.

Long painful trundle down the platform to our car, onto train, and stowing luggage goes surprisingly smoothly.

Long trip to Barcelona, about 7 hours, stopping about 5 times on the way. Max speed I see us reach is 293 KPH (182 MPH). The train definitely is more comfortable than a plane, the seats are much bigger and we can get up and go to the bathroom or the dining car. Which we do. THe scenery is boring, and after the halfway point the sun has set and there's nothing to see outside.

Into Barcelona, hump our luggage up and out and through taxi-line. Into a large taxi and a smooth ride to our hotel. Into room by 10:45 or so.

I immediately go out to check on the new apartment. I find they haven't done much work: there is a new wall between the two bathrooms, and the walls in bathrooms and kitchen have been finished to the point where they're ready to put on tile. Air-conditioning tubing in the ceiling; later I find out they've decided to put both "outside" units in the front balcony. That's about it, in more than a week. Disappointing.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-05 (Monday)

Out for groceries.

Out at 11:30. I think we're walking to bank, so Dora can yell about her money being stolen, and maybe do a transfer to the workers. But it turns out she's taking a taxi to a real-estate office, and doesn't want me to come with her (I would just say no to everything). So I'm left on the street, not knowing what to do with myself. Dog is out right now, so I can't go walk the dog. Dora doesn't want me taking dirty laundry and such to old apartment. Nothing to do, so I walk a little (beautiful warm day here) and then go back to the hotel room.

Out to buy lunch in the supermarket. Then out later to go to old apartment to walk the dog. THe walk was fine, but Dora's son tells me he went to bank with Dora today, and indeed someone has stolen €10k from her. She has about 6 accounts at 4 banks, and I'd been looking at her main business account, which I thought had most of the money, and it was okay. I guess they stole from her personal account at same bank, and I didn't know she had transferred €10k into that account. Now they say she should go back to Paris to make a police report there ! So she was right all along, and we were miscommunicating. [But then later she says no, it WAS the business account that was stolen from. So I'm confused.]

And the congress has admitted it charged Dora twice for the same admission. So she was right about that too.

Out at 8:30 to meet Dora nearby and carry a bag for her. Then to supermarket to buy some junk food.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-06 (Tuesday)

Dora out to medical appt, I'm out to old apartment. Start laundry there, then take dog to a grooming appointment. To new apartment, and find two workers working, one doing ceiling in bathroom, other doing plumbing in kitchen. Stacks of tile and dry-wall, so they have materials for next steps. Back to old apartment, put laundry out to dry, loaf for a while, back to hotel.

To old apartment again. Ate dinner. Walked dog. Dora arrived, eventually we went to a cafe, then to hotel.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-07 (Wednesday)

To new apartment around 9, and there actually is forward motion ! Guy is putting up tile on walls in the bathrooms.

To a cafe, then to various govt offices. To copy-shop, to dentist office, back to govt office. Then lunch.

I went to old apartment; Dora went to beauty salon. I gathered laundry, changed into clean clothes, took the dog for a long walk, hit ATM. Then back to hotel.

Dora's sleep habits are ruining my sleep. She'll crash from 9 to 12, then get up and turn on lights and start doing phone calls as soon as I'm trying to get to sleep. And she keeps going all night; she needs less sleep than I do.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-08 (Thursday)

Groggy today. Out to dinner with Dora around 4:30.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-09 (Friday)

Out in afternoon. To a couple of banks, and one of them answered the question of where a €2000 transfer disappeared to: into an old account that Dora was told had been closed.

Nice lunch/dinner in a Peruvian restaurant.

Transferred €5000 from my account to workers.

Hit ATM, then to old apartment. I thought we weren't supposed to go in, but we went in and Dora spent a couple of hours there gathering stuff. I walked the dog twice.

Hauled a huge load of stuff back to the hotel. Books, old laptop, printer, more. And at the hotel we paid to stay another week.

In evening, to new apartment. Disappointed to see that the only progress is that the wall-tile in the small bathroom is done. I hoped they would be further along. To farmacia. Light rain.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-10 (Saturday)

Dora sick in afternoon, so we went to Cotxeres urgent-care. Spent 2.5 hours there. Then to dinner at Peruvian restaurant, with son.

To new apartment, to roll down the persianas (but only one window has them). Light rain. People in costumes and events taking place for Carnaval.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-11 (Sunday)

A cousin of Dora and his wife checked-in to the hotel. We met them, and after a while went out with them. To old apartment. I walked the dog. Then to metro, and to Arc de Triomf. Cool and windy day, but sunny and lots of people out.

Into Parc Ciutadella. Into Hivernacle, which was closed for years of renovation. It just has some botancal gardens now. To Born CC, always nice. Today it has a nice display of costumes from the carrefocs (fire-parades). Pics.

Found a restaurant, food overpriced but good. We started out sitting outside, but it was too cold, moved inside.

Up to the cathedral, and parted ways with the visitors. We headed off to Placa Catalunya and the metro. Home, feeling a bit cold and tired.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-12 (Monday)

Loafed much of the day. Out for dinner, then errands.

Dora out at night to make police reports about money stolen from her cards. But the officer was coughing, and Dora didn't want to get sick, so she cut it short.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-13 (Tuesday)

To old apartment, to put out laundry to dry, and walk the dog. Back to hotel.

To old apartment again, to eat a little dinner, and walk the dog again.

Dora out in early AM to make police reports about money stolen from her cards.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-14 (Wednesday)

Got a late start. Dora not feeling well. Took train one stop up-line to Torre Baro, to a govt office there.

Then took train-longmetro-train-taxi to Leroy Merlin home-improvement store all the way on the far side of the Barcelona metro area. Dora was sick on the metro, and felt bad after that. We were supposed to consult about fitting one of their kitchen designs into our kitchen space in the new apartment. The trip was a waste: they had told her to come any time today, but we arrived at 3 and the only guy who could help us wasn't coming back until 6.

Taxi back to train station, then Dora wanted food, so we ate in a dive-bar. She's going to miss a couple of medical appointments this evening, between being late and sick.

Train-metro back to hotel, Dora feeling weak and bad and sleepy. In hotel, she collapsed into bed for several hours.

Late-night news: we can move back into old apartment. Fingers crossed.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-15 (Thursday)

Dora out to banks etc. I'm to old apartment, hauling a suitcase. Walked the dog, exchanged laundry. Back to hotel.

Later to old apartment with Dora. Walked dog again, ate dinner.

On the way back, I asked again about the stolen moneys, and Dora basically contradicted everything she told me a week or so ago. The bank is NOT agreeing that any money was stolen. The congress is NOT agreeing that she paid twice.

Out in the evening for coffee and snacks.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-16 (Friday)

Dora out for errands. I trundled a heavy suitcase to the old apartment, and took the dog for a walk.

Chinese restaurant in the afternoon. Cold and lightly raining.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-17 (Saturday)

Out to a cafe for breakfast. Back to hotel. Then I'm over to old apartment, while Dora did an errand. Walked the dog.

Dora arrived at old apartment. Ate lunch/dinner. Walked the dog twice more, while Dora worked to make our bedroom usable.

Back to hotel at 9. Still a lot of stuff here, and we're checking out tomorrow morning.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-18 (Sunday)

Hauled laptops and more to old apartment. Brought back shopping-cart and more bags.

Dora packed up everything in the hotel room. Out after 11, checked out at front desk, tried to load everything into a taxi, it wouldn't fit. So I walked to old apartment with shopping-cart, while Dora went in taxi. Glad to be out of hotels.

To lunch with a friend of Dora and her husband. Nice tapas. The restaurant is "Conde Dracula", and has lots of Dracula decorations and theming. Pics.

To new apartment to look at the bathrooms and measure the kitchen. It's small: 2 meters by 3.5 meters, with two doorways taking up some wall-space.

Walked the dog.

In the evening, went to one of the stranger concerts I've been to: Queen and ABBA songs as played by a string-quartet. Nice but strange. In a lovely expensive hotel: El Palace (pics).

Walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-19 (Monday)

To old apartment. Worker working on water connections in bathrooms. Met engineer there, long discussion among Dora and engineer and head worker.

To cafe for coffee with previous owner.

Walked dog, paid bills at ATM.

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike. Weight down to 96 Kg.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-20 (Tuesday)

To IKEA in Badalona. Had to wait a couple of hours to see an agent. But got our kitchen designed in the computer. Cost is about €7000 including delivery and installation (but not including refrigerator and washing machine, which we bought earlier). Meanwhile the workers have started installing tile in the kitchen in the apartment.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-21 (Wednesday)

To new apartment to check progress: living-room has a ceiling now, and 1/3 of wall-tile is up in kitchen.

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-22 (Thursday)

To new apartment. Noticed that ceiling is up in just about all rooms; maybe I didn't notice that yesterday. More tile going up in kitchen. Contractor from IKEA arrived to measure kitchen and check for problems.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-23 (Friday)

Eye-exam. To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-24 (Saturday)

To new apartment, and the tile is done (walls and floor) in the kitchen.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-25 (Sunday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-26 (Monday)

Ordered a new left lens for my eyeglasses; I think they haven't been quite right, got a new prescription that is slightly different.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-27 (Tuesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike, on slightly higher effort setting.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-28 (Wednesday)

Various errands today, including IKEA. Dora has paid €3000 to workers to do painting.

Sun for a new day  2024-02-29 (Thursday)

To IKEA to finalize kitchen order, arrange payment, and arrange dates for installation (next week). Somehow the price has decreased to €6400.

To gym with Dora, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-01 (Friday)

Sun for a new day  2024-03-02 (Saturday)

Found out that new windows (and persianas) for the apartment will cost €10K. Seems excessive. Looking at the details, it turns out Dora wants a motorized persiana on every window. That probably adds 40% to the price.

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-03 (Sunday)

Sun for a new day  2024-03-04 (Monday)

Got new left lens for eyeglasses, seems a big improvement.

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

In the evening, went to new apartment to wait for delivery of kitchen parts, but wasted my time, found out later that they'd been delivered during the day and I hadn't known. And managed to pick up a cold and sore throat while waiting in the cold air.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-05 (Tuesday)

Feeling sick all day: cold with cough and runny nose and some sore throat.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-06 (Wednesday)

Bronchitis, bad cough, headache, a bit of sore throat. Started taking anti-biotics.

Kitchen in new apartment is being installed today.

Sister from South arrived in early AM.

Some problems with the new kitchen: they can't install one cabinet because there are water-pipes in that wall. And they didn't connect to electrical and water because the wall-connections aren't right/done ?

Went to new apartment around 5. Work on kitchen still proceeding. We'll have to take that one cabinet back to IKEA for a refund and see if maybe we can put a bookcase there.

Chills and some fever in the evening. Took Nolotil.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-07 (Thursday)

Still sick.

Transferred €3000 from my account to workers.

Found out that son got his score for his re-take of one part of the medical board exams, and he fell just short (got 88, needed 90). But he's appealing their scoring of one answer, so we'll see.

In the evening, went to a meeting of the homeowner's association (or equivalent) for our new apartment. Not as raucous as I expected. And the extra charges for building work are not as high as I had feared. A couple of people are 30ish, several in 40's and 50's, rest 60's and up. 15 people, and I think the building has about 25 units. Someone joked that our remodeling is taking as long as the building of Sagrada Familia.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-08 (Friday)

Still sick.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-09 (Saturday)

Feeling quite a bit better, just a little headache and cough.

Rained all day, until about 6 in evening.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-10 (Sunday)

Sister back to South.

Went to new apartment, but so much stuff is piled up to allow wall-painting that I couldn't get to the connections I wanted to see in the kitchen.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-11 (Monday)

Intended to go to gym today, but I think I'm not quite healthy enough yet. Still have cough and mucus, still taking anti-biotics.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-12 (Tuesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-13 (Wednesday)

To new apartment to check progress. Looks like the painting is almost finished. Someone is coming on 19th to investigate why the kitchen installation could not be completed.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-14 (Thursday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Filed the Spanish foreign assets (720) form.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-15 (Friday)

Sun for a new day  2024-03-16 (Saturday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Filed the US FBAR form.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-17 (Sunday)

Sun for a new day  2024-03-18 (Monday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-19 (Tuesday)

We found out the next day: contractor from IKEA came to new apartment as scheduled to investigate state of the kitchen.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-20 (Wednesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To new apartment: progress has been made on the electrical, head units of air-conditioners have been mounted on walls, etc.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-21 (Thursday)

Sun for a new day  2024-03-22 (Friday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-23 (Saturday)

Niece off to vacation in the South.

Finally got a report about the kitchen installation, and it seems to say: stove/oven was installed fully, but sink drain pipes are too high on wall and need to be modified.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-24 (Sunday)

To new apartment. Looks like the painting is finished. Lots of electrical fittings (outlets, switches, lights) yet to be installed. Floor not done yet, air-con main units not put in, bathrooms not finished. But it's starting to look livable.

Online, submitted my 2023 US income tax and FATCA forms (1040 etc and 8938). But rejected because of 3 errors. Fixed and resubmitted. Accepted.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-25 (Monday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-26 (Tuesday)

Transferred €3000 from my account to workers.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-27 (Wednesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-28 (Thursday)

Sun for a new day  2024-03-29 (Friday)

Sun for a new day  2024-03-30 (Saturday)

To new apartment. Parquet floor is about 1/2 done. Painting finished. AC and electrical still not finished. Shower fittings up in one bathroom.

Sun for a new day  2024-03-31 (Sunday)

In the evening, niece returned from the South.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-01 (Monday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-02 (Tuesday)

Sun for a new day  2024-04-03 (Wednesday)

Mailed my passport to the consulate for renewal.

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-04 (Thursday)

Sun for a new day  2024-04-05 (Friday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To new apartment. 7:30 PM and two workers were doing air-conditioners. Main bathroom looks done. Floor is done. Kitchen sink is connected. Still a bunch of electrical fittings and lights to be done. Main aircon units not installed.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-06 (Saturday)

In the evening, installed Linux CachyOS 24.04 on my laptop.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-07 (Sunday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-08 (Monday)

Sun for a new day  2024-04-09 (Tuesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To new apartment. Both bathrooms look done. Main AC units are mounted in balcony, but not fully connected yet. Various lights and electrical fittings in living room not done yet. I think we're a few days from finished.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-10 (Wednesday)

In early evening, to new apartment with Dora. Disappointed to find that they haven't done any work today.

To ECI to pick up repaired laptop, and found they have wiped the disk, even though we told them not to and there was no need for them to do it.

Father returned from the South.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-11 (Thursday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sister arrived from the South.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-12 (Friday)

Combined birthday party for a couple of family members.

To new apartment. No work has been done all week. They need to finish the aircon connections, do various lights and electrical fittings in living room, and mirrors in the bathrooms.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-13 (Saturday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-14 (Sunday)

Sun for a new day  2024-04-15 (Monday)

Sister back to the South.

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Warm weather is here: dog is napping on the cool tile in the bathroom.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-16 (Tuesday)

In the early evening, was bringing the dog home from a walk when I saw a wild pig walking through the park across the street. Brown and hairy and fairly large. Everyone was looking and pointing. I took the dog home pronto.

To old apartment. No progress. Supposedly they're going to come on Friday and Saturday and finish it off.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-17 (Wednesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-18 (Thursday)

Sun for a new day  2024-04-19 (Friday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Trying to measure size of our current mattress, and coming out with non-standard numbers. Online, seeing what IKEA has to offer for beds, mattresses, armchairs, sofas. Checked another site, their sizes differ from IKEA's. Confused.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-20 (Saturday)

In late afternoon, to new apartment with Dora. Two workers working, but they're not going to be finished until Tuesday or so. And we need to go buy some parts for the bathrooms: mirrors, towel-racks, paper-holders. Will have to do that on Monday.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-21 (Sunday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-22 (Monday)

Should have gone to IKEA today, but it's rainy and Dora doesn't want to go. And tomorrow is a holiday. So more delays.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-23 (Tuesday)

Sun for a new day  2024-04-24 (Wednesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-25 (Thursday)

Finally did IKEA. Two beds, two mattresses, two armoires, two bathroom mirrors/cabinets/lights, misc. Came to about €2250, including delivery and assembly, not as bad as I feared. But we have a couple more such trips to do yet. We need to get sofa and armchair and TV table, dining table and chairs, eventually another bed and armoire.

To new apartment. Aircon tubes have been connected and there is a vacuum pump to pump out the system before charging it.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-26 (Friday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-27 (Saturday)

To new apartment in the morning. Two workers working. Soon the IKEA delivery showed up, right on time.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-28 (Sunday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-29 (Monday)

Raining. To new apartment, and a guy put together two IKEA beds. Have to re-arrange one bedroom because an air-conditioner will interfere with an armario. Various decisions about placement of things in bathrooms. Pouring rain as we went home.

Rained all day, heavy at times.

In the evening, to new apartment, head worker was there, two other guys arrived to assemble the IKEA armarios. Done by 7:30 or so. Head guy is going to remove his tools etc, he's done, the apartment renovation is done ! Pics.

Did a bit of a walk-through with him, only surprise was a vent-grill between the two bathrooms that I didn't know about and don't want, but maybe I can tape over it to close it. Also rain is coming in the open screen that gives air to the "outside" air-con units, and getting the floor wet there.

Now we need to buy a sofa and a TV and pillows, and move our stuff from old apartment to new, then we're in. We can buy a new dining-room table and chairs, and more furniture, later. IKEA kitchen still needs some assembly, a missing shelf, return some pieces we don't want.

Got an email that they're about to try delivering my new passport to me. So renewal took a little less than 4 weeks.

Sun for a new day  2024-04-30 (Tuesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Picked up new passport.

To new apartment. Worker has cleared out his stuff and left keys in the mailbox.

There's a problem in the kitchen: strip-lights shining down on the counter are unswitched, always-on. I had to throw a circuit-breaker to turn them off. Will have to get someone to add switches.

Also, we have about 10 IKEA pieces we should return for refund: we didn't put up some metal-mesh shelves we bought, and we ended up with two extra wooden shelves and hardware because the IKEA installers refused to drill into a wall that has water-pipes in it.

A few more pics.

Things to do for apartment, but tomorrow is a holiday.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-01 (Wednesday)

Taking dog for his early-evening walk, saw a couple of unusual things. In bushes in a smallish park, saw three 20-something guys laughing and huffing some drug, probably nitrous oxide, and several neighborhood guys coming to see what they were doing and chase them away. At same time, saw a couple of police-vans going up the road.

20 minutes later, back near our apartment, saw about a dozen police-vans and an ambulance, some going up the road and some hanging back for a while, right in front of our apartment. Maybe there's some protest going on up at the govt complex a few blocks up from us ?

Sun for a new day  2024-05-02 (Thursday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Can't get Dora to go out to buy a sofa today. She went to sign stuff at work this morning, but now has a headache etc.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-03 (Friday)

Still can't get Dora to go out to buy a sofa.

In the late evening, had a bad headache. Skipped the Zoom call, went to bed early.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-04 (Saturday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Still can't get Dora to go out to buy a sofa.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-05 (Sunday)

Sun for a new day  2024-05-06 (Monday)

Someone here has a big-round-number birthday today.

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Finally dragged Dora out to a store (Conforama) to buy matching sofa and armchair. We could have bought TV and chairs etc but my cards are maxxed out and they won't take cash.

Sister arrived from the South.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-07 (Tuesday)

In the evening, an orchestra playing a concert in the park across the street. I sat out on our front balcony and listened for a while.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-08 (Wednesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-09 (Thursday)

Sun for a new day  2024-05-10 (Friday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

In evening, to new apartment. Bought cleaning supplies etc, and swept the whole apartment.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-11 (Saturday)

In late afternoon, to new apartment, and mopped the whole place (with water only).

Sun for a new day  2024-05-12 (Sunday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-13 (Monday)

Sofa and armchair delivered to new apartment.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-14 (Tuesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-15 (Wednesday)

Son flew off to the North for a few days.

To new apartment to check a few things. Internet should be installed next Tues. Still no ETA on a mover, and we have to buy a TV.

Finally got Dora to start throwing away stuff, instead of just moving junk to new apartment.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-16 (Thursday)

Niece and father flew off to the North for a few days.

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-17 (Friday)

In midafternoon, I asked Dora if she'd contacted the mover, and she said he's coming TOMORROW, we're moving tomorrow ! So we're going to do it without the son being here, we don't have boxes, etc. Have to scramble.

I think we're going to move most of the stuff tomorrow, but still sleep/eat/etc here for the next several days. We don't have internet and TV at the new apartment yet.

To new apartment to see if we can use any of the leftover IKEA boxes (no). Scavenged a couple of small boxes from trash on way back home.

About to go out to see about buying a TV and boxes, and it started pouring rain.

Then the rain finished, and the sun came out, and we went out and bought a TV and boxes.

Eventually it's decided that the mover will NOT come tomorrow, he'll come some day next week.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-18 (Saturday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To new apartment, and took a lot of construction trash to the recycling bins.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-19 (Sunday)

Apparently mover is available only on weekends, we're going to move next Saturday.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-20 (Monday)

Niece and father back from North. In midafternoon, son came back from the North. Dog is ecstatic.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-21 (Tuesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To new apartment, and a technician installed fiber internet. Turns out we have 4 Ethernet jacks in the rooms, but I'll have to install connectors myself if I want to plug them into the router. Also, someone told us the secret to the kitchen under-cabinet lights that won't turn off: there's a remote control for them, and it needs batteries.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-22 (Wednesday)

In late afternoon, to new apartment. TV was delivered. We get channels from internet, but (after buying antenna cable) no local channels. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or cable is not connected somewhere between here and roof. Also put batteries in controller for kitchen lights, but couldn't get it to work. It's part of "IKEA intelligent home", you have to get the controller to lock onto some hub, holding it 5 CM away as you hold a button for 10 seconds. But I don't know exactly where the hub is. Replaced bulbs in living-room lights, and 2 out of 3 replacements succeeded. Need a stepladder to investigate the 3rd one further. Threw out a bunch of stuff. One table is stuck in a room, can't get it out, I think they must have moved it in while they had some woodwork off around the doorway. Can't get into admin interface of the internet router.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-23 (Thursday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

In evening, to new apartment. Futzed with TV, decided I need to buy a new cable. Got Wi-Fi configured the way I wanted.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-24 (Friday)

In late afternoon, to new apartment. Failed to accomplish the two main tasks I wanted to do: new cable for TV, and pairing the control and lights in the kitchen. Did some minor cleaning and moving.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-25 (Saturday)

Supposed to move today. But then the time for the mover got pushed back from 10 to 2, then came news that he fell and hurt himself so he won't be coming this weekend.

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-26 (Sunday)

Sun for a new day  2024-05-27 (Monday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-28 (Tuesday)

In the evening, to new apartment. Installed a "cable" cable between wall and TV, and still get no local cable channels. So maybe there is a problem inside the wall, or on the building roof. Finally did get the "smart" lights in the kitchen paired to the controller; had to experiment to find out where the "hub" seems to be, inside the cabinetry.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-29 (Wednesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-30 (Thursday)

In the evening, to new apartment. Did some cleanup in the kitchen, put some food in the fridge, and took apart a 60's disco-table that we're going to throw away. Had to take it apart to get it out of the room it's in.

Sun for a new day  2024-05-31 (Friday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To new apartment, took table out, cleaned kitchen a bit, mopped in room where table had been.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-01 (Saturday)

SNAFU: similar to last Saturday. Mover supposed to be coming at 10, then changed to 1 in afternoon, then cancelled. Maybe he'll come on Wednesday.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-02 (Sunday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-03 (Monday)

Sun for a new day  2024-06-04 (Tuesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Moving day has been pushed back from tomorrow to Saturday.

To new apartment. Bought a stepladder and laundry rack. Did a little cleaning and miscellaneous stuff.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-05 (Wednesday)

Electricity cut at 2:30, I guess the bill has not been paid. Paid it over the telephone. But didn't get power back until about 5:30.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-06 (Thursday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-07 (Friday)

At 5:30 PM. the electricity went out. But this time it's out in the whole building. It came back on in less than 10 minutes.

In the evening, finally getting serious about packing. Assembling and filling boxes.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-08 (Saturday)

Movers finally arrived at 11:40. Two of them, so I don't have to do any of the work. Our stuff consists of about 3 bags of my stuff, 20-30 bags and boxes of Dora's stuff, and we're leaving behind a ton of her clothes to be dealt with later.

To new apartment. Workers had a quick lunch, then started unloading. They went to wrong apartment at first. Son came over with dog. Workers finished at 4.

Out to a cafe for dinner. To a shop for items such as a cutting board and some drinking glasses. Later to supermarket for various basics. Then to another grocery store to fill in some gaps.

To old apartment. Dog was ecstatic to see me, and I took him for a walk. Then picked up several things I'd come for: coffee brew-pot, electric teakettle, iron, ironing board.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-09 (Sunday)

Can't get stovetop to work. First hurdle was that it's an induction stove, so won't work with aluminum coffee-brewer. But we do have a fry-pan that says "induction" on the bottom, and that doesn't work. User interface is finicky. We got to the point where we can turn display on, select burner, select power. Then it pauses a little, and turns off. As if it's not detecting a pan on that burner, maybe. But it gives no symbol or code indicating that (or anything). Another thing that's too fancy for its own good.

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Did laundry in the clotheswasher. That seems to work okay.

To old apartment. Took dog for a walk. Picked up some stuff, back to new apt.

Eventually got some life out of the cooktop. Turns out the very first thing I did, turning off the "lock" light, was wrong. Apparently that light being lit means "unlocked". Doesn't help that the manual is terrible.

Out to a kebab-shop for dinner.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-10 (Monday)

Good news: the fancy copper cookware Dora bought IS induction-compatible, it works on our stove. Washed all of it and put it away, started getting kitchen in better order.

Various shopping. Had our first home-cooked meal in new apartment.

To old apartment. Walked the dog. Dropped off and picked up a couple of things.

Spent a couple of hours wiping all the windows and woodwork, cleaning off construction dust and paint-flecks.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-11 (Tuesday)

More cleaning of glass and woodwork. Someone pasted stickers on an interior glass door, took forever to get them off.

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-12 (Wednesday)

More cleaning. Donated a few clothes. Bought a new coffee-brewer.

To old apartment. Walked the dog, who was super-ecstatic to see me.

Shopping. Have to get used to a new set of stores.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-13 (Thursday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment. Walked the dog, who was ecstatic to see me.

In evening, son and dog and father came to visit new apartment. Father has never seen it. Online, son ordered a microwave oven for us.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-14 (Friday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Online, filed my Spanish income tax return.

Forgot to do Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-15 (Saturday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Received the microwave oven.

Online, filed my Spanish wealth tax return.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-16 (Sunday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-17 (Monday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

In the evening, to old apartment to watch a football game on TV. Sister has arrived from the South.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-18 (Tuesday)

To old apartment and walked the dog. Other sister and kids have arrived from the North.

In the evening, to old apartment to have a small graduation party for the niece. Watched football on TV.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-19 (Wednesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

In the evening, visit to new apartment by sister, son, dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-20 (Thursday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-21 (Friday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-22 (Saturday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-23 (Sunday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Son and dog came to new apartment to have dinner with us.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-24 (Monday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-25 (Tuesday)

Son and dog came to new apartment to have dinner with us.

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-26 (Wednesday)

To old apartment and walked the dog. Hot.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-27 (Thursday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Son and dog came to new apartment to have dinner with us.

Trying to use air-conditioners; seems the front two don't work, the others do ?

Sun for a new day  2024-06-28 (Friday)

Son and dog came to new apartment to have dinner with us.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-29 (Saturday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Workers came at 9 and looked at the air-conditioners, will come back Tuesday to do those and the TV cable.

Sun for a new day  2024-06-30 (Sunday)

Son and dog came to new apartment to have dinner with us.

Later to old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-01 (Monday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-02 (Tuesday)

Son and dog came to new apartment to have dinner with us.

Later, to old apartment and walked the dog.

AC technicians came in the evening. Not sure they made much progress, and their can of refrigerant had just run dry earlier today. They'll come back on Friday.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-03 (Wednesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-04 (Thursday)

Son and dog came to new apartment to have dinner with us.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-05 (Friday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

No workers coming today, they'll be here Monday.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-06 (Saturday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-07 (Sunday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike. Increased the effort level by one notch.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-08 (Monday)

Son and dog came to new apartment to have dinner with us.

Workers arrived to do air-conditioning work. They worked for a couple of hours, then left the systems to sit undisturbed for a week, will see if they hold a vacuum. So they'll be back in a week or so.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-09 (Tuesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog. Hot. Brought back a fan that you put water under to make it cooler.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-10 (Wednesday)

To old apartment and walked the dog. Hot. Brought back a printer.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-11 (Thursday)

To gym. Hot day. Just before getting there, managed to trip over a curb and fall and scrape my knees. Did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-12 (Friday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-13 (Saturday)

Slightly cooler today; nice. To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-14 (Sunday)

Son and dog came to new apartment to have dinner with us.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-15 (Monday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog. Hot.

Workers came after 5, stayed until after 9. Got the cable TV connected, and got all the air-conditioners working. I hope they fixed the leaks, and the aircon STAYS working for the foreseeable future.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-16 (Tuesday)

To finca, paid 5 months of building fees.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-17 (Wednesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Son and dog came to new apartment to have dinner with us.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-18 (Thursday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-19 (Friday)

Hot day. To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-20 (Saturday)

In the evening, to old apartment and walked the dog. Replaced a lightbulb.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-21 (Sunday)

Rainy morning, then gorgeous day. To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-22 (Monday)

Son and dog came to new apartment to have dinner with us.

Did a fair amount of walking today, nothing extreme, and suddenly in the evening my left knee is aching badly. Both knees still feel bruised from my fall, but they were healing. Suddenly I'm limping.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-23 (Tuesday)

Up at 7 AM, very early for us. Left knee still hurting. Trundled 4 empty suitcases to the old apartment, and Dora start packing more of her stuff into them and bags. I took the dog for a walk.

At almost 11, instead of arriving, the mover was calling to say he couldn't come today, reschedule for Saturday.

Trundled one big, very heavy suitcase to new apartment.

Going to rest my knee: no gym today, and not going back in afternoon to walk the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-24 (Wednesday)

Warm day. To old apartment and walked the dog. Then to gym, did 3x10 on a bike. Probably shouldn't have done it, left knee still hurting a bit. I pedaled a little slower than usual. Going up and down the stairs in the gym was painful.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-25 (Thursday)

In early evening, to old apartment. Walked the dog. Waited for a couple of deliveries which never came. Walked the dog again.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-26 (Friday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-27 (Saturday)

Mover was supposed to come today to move some more stuff, but his truck broke down yesterday, so reschedule for next weekend.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-28 (Sunday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-29 (Monday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-30 (Tuesday)

Hot day, supposed to go up to 36C (97F). Somehow I don't think it got quite that hot where we are.

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Son and dog came to new apartment; dog stayed while son went elsewhere for most of the day.

Sun for a new day  2024-07-31 (Wednesday)

Hot day. To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-01 (Thursday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-02 (Friday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

In the evening, rain and high winds, then just high winds.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-03 (Saturday)

To old apartment by 10:30 or so. Dora packed stuff. I walked the dog, several times. Movers arrived around 11:45, started disassembling big pieces of furniture. They took the pieces down into the truck. Later they loaded her bags of clothes into the truck.

Around 4:30, to new apartment. Turns out Dora is having them move one large closet to another room, and install two more from the old apartment. A lot of work. They finished around 11:30.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-04 (Sunday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-05 (Monday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-06 (Tuesday)

To gym with Dora, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-07 (Wednesday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-08 (Thursday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-09 (Friday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-10 (Saturday)

To gym with Dora, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-11 (Sunday)

Finally got some life out of the printer we bought a week ago. Good thing I have two degrees in Computer Science, or I never would have gotten it to work. Madness.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-12 (Monday)

To gym with Dora, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

In late evening, son and dog and a friend visited us.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-13 (Tuesday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-14 (Wednesday)

Cool morning after a little rain during the night; nice.

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Bought two new pairs of eyeglasses each for Dora and son, cost over €900.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Cool evening with a little rain.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-15 (Thursday)

Cool morning; nice.

Son and dog and a friend visited us, had dinner with us.

Walked the dog. Street art seen today, and on previous walks with the dog.

Later walked the dog back to old apartment.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-16 (Friday)

Cool morning; nice.

To gym with Dora, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-17 (Saturday)

To restaurant (new one in mall) with Dora, for lunch/dinner. Nice but a bit pricey.

To old apartment and walked the dog twice.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-18 (Sunday)

To gym with Dora, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-19 (Monday)

Another lovely cool morning.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-20 (Tuesday)

To gym with Dora, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-21 (Wednesday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-22 (Thursday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Son and dog visited us, had dinner with us.

Walked the dog twice.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-23 (Friday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-24 (Saturday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-25 (Sunday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-26 (Monday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Son and dog visited us, had dinner with us.

Walked the dog twice.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-27 (Tuesday)

I've been struggling with a low-grade cold for the last few days.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-28 (Wednesday)

Don't feel well today, skipping the gym.

Son and dog came over. Son went home and left the dog with us, son is going on vacation to Mallorca for 4-5 days. He uses a site where they offer a package deal for cheap, but you don't know exactly where you're going until a day or two before you leave. Last time they got Monaco, this time Mallorca.

In the evening, Dora's Peruvian friends arrived from Croatia. They'll be staying with us for a couple of days.

Walking the dog every 2-3 hours.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-29 (Thursday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Walked the dog 6 times today.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-30 (Friday)

Breakfast at a cafe with our guests.

Walked the dog 7 times today.

Guests left in early evening.

Sun for a new day  2024-08-31 (Saturday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment, replaced strainer on kitchen sink faucet.

Walked the dog 6 times.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-01 (Sunday)

Walked the dog 6 times.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-02 (Monday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Walked the dog 6 times.

Son came over in the evening. Dog went crazy with delight. I thought son was going to take dog back to old apartment tonight, but son is going on another trip, we're stuck with the dog for another 6 days.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-03 (Tuesday)

Rainy day. Not feeling well; headache and coughing and sneezing.

Walked the dog 6 times.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-04 (Wednesday)

Rainy day. Still feeling sick, taking various pills. Will skip the gym. Did walk to old apartment to pick up stuff for the dog.

Walked the dog 6 times.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-05 (Thursday)

Still sick, coughing and sneezing and headache and tired. Skipping gym again.

Walked the dog 6 times.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-06 (Friday)

Feeling better. To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Coughing and sneezing again in the evening.

Walked the dog 6 times.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-07 (Saturday)

Still occasional bouts of coughing and sneezing. And in the evening I had some shooting nerve pain in my leg, something I had 30 years ago. Probably a pinched nerve from sitting on the chair to use the computer, I need a better chair.

Walked the dog 6 times.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-08 (Sunday)

Rainy day. To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Walked the dog 6 times.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-09 (Monday)

Walked the dog 2 times.

Son and niece stopped by at the apartment. Son was going to leave the dog with us until Thursday, but I said no, and he took him to old apartment.

Later, to old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-10 (Tuesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Out to a local restaurant for lunch with Dora. Nice.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-11 (Wednesday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-12 (Thursday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-13 (Friday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-14 (Saturday)

Son and dog came to new apartment to have dinner with us.

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Walked the dog twice.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-15 (Sunday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Took metro to harbor and checked out the America's Cup stuff down there. A bit disappointing, no interesting exhibits, no looks at the boats. Lots of booths selling stuff. The various pavilions are spread all around the harbor, would be a long walk to see them all. Watched a race on big TV screens. Walked a little through the old town, and home.

Street art seen today, and on walks with the dog.

In the evening, to old apartment to try to fix a brand-new laptop that is booting into BIOS, not Windows. Was unable to fix it. Walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-16 (Monday)

To old apartment to try to fix laptop again; failed again. Took the dog for a walk.

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Son was able to call tech support and fix the laptop. Seems that a new install of Windows from USB stick was required. Not sure if the original Windows was bad, or there just was no Windows installed at all (I think this one).

Dog and son came to new apartment to visit. Later I found that son is going on a trip until Sunday, dog is staying with us.

Walked the dog 3 more times.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-17 (Tuesday)

Walked the dog twice. Then son came over, his travel plans have changed, instead of leaving this morning he's leaving tomorrow.

Dinner with son. Walked dog again.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-18 (Wednesday)

To gym, found Dora hadn't paid the bill, had to go home and come back with credit card. Did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-19 (Thursday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-20 (Friday)

Raining hard in the morning.

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

In the evening, I went over a couple of blocks to the govt complex for an outdoor symphony concert. Municipal Band of Barcelona, part of Musica Merce series. Some of the music was not very interesting, but later pieces were better, and then they finished with the "national" anthem of Catalunya.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-21 (Saturday)

Emailed my vote to USA for the presidential election. Now I have to postal-mail a paper copy of it, too.

To old apartment and walked the dog to new apartment; son is going on a trip for a few days.

Walked the dog 3 times. For 2nd walk, we went to an outdoor symphony concert a few blocks away. Nowhere to sit, dog wanted to leave after 20 minutes, and the music was not too impressive.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-22 (Sunday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Walked the dog 6 times. 5th walk was to outdoor symphony concert a few blocks away, choral music tonight, didn't like it.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-23 (Monday)

Walked the dog 5 times. 4th walk was to outdoor symphony concert a few blocks away, Nicer music tonight, but dog didn't want to stay.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-24 (Tuesday)

Holiday today, gym closed.

Walked the dog 5 times.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-25 (Wednesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Walked the dog 5 times.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-26 (Thursday)

Walked the dog 3 times. Then in the evening walked him to old apartment, son is back.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-27 (Friday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-28 (Saturday)

Son and father and niece and dog came over for dinner. Walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-29 (Sunday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-09-30 (Monday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-01 (Tuesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike. Headachey; it was a struggle.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-02 (Wednesday)

To old apartment and walked the dog a little, but it was raining, had to stay under the balconies of the building to keep him dry.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-03 (Thursday)

To medical center, made appointment to get vaccinated. Then to gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-04 (Friday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-05 (Saturday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-06 (Sunday)

Out with Dora, met up with her sister, went to a Peruvian restaurant for some food. Then to old apartment. Walked dog. Ate dinner with everyone. Walked dog again.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-07 (Monday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-08 (Tuesday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-09 (Wednesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

Son and dog came to visit us; I walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-10 (Thursday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-11 (Friday)

With Dora, to gym, did 3x10 on a bike. Got rained-on on the way back.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-12 (Saturday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-13 (Sunday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-14 (Monday)

Dora and I both got vaccinated for flu and COVID today.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-15 (Tuesday)

With Dora, to gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-16 (Wednesday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-17 (Thursday)

With Dora, to gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-18 (Friday)

Weather has turned cool. To old apartment and walked the dog.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA. One of my sisters was connecting from aboard the Queen Mary 2, starting to cross the Atlantic westward.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-19 (Saturday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-20 (Sunday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-21 (Monday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-22 (Tuesday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-23 (Wednesday)

Headachey; skipped the gym today.

Son and dog came to new apartment to have dinner with us. I walked the dog twice.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-24 (Thursday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-25 (Friday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-26 (Saturday)

Rained a lot during the night. Cool, grey, rainy day.

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-27 (Sunday)

Son and dog came to new apartment to have dinner with us. I walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-28 (Monday)

To gym with Dora, did 3x10 on a bike.

Son took his medical exam again, thinks he did well. Not sure when grades will come out.

Dinner in restaurant with Dora and son, to mark the occasion of his taking the test.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-29 (Tuesday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-30 (Wednesday)

After noon, it's pouring rain and I'm not feeling well: skipping the gym today.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-10-31 (Thursday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-01 (Friday)

In afternoon, to old apartment for dinner with the rest of the family, including sister. Walked the dog twice.

Missed Zoom call; forgot about the daylight-savings change.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-02 (Saturday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

A worker came over to look at doing some shelves in the kitchen and curtain-rods throughout the apartment.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-03 (Sunday)

Dora and me and son to a Chinese restaurant for dinner. Then to old apartment. I walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-04 (Monday)

In mid-morning, civil alerts on our phones, for heavy rain. And then it poured rain for an hour or more.

Afterward, to gym, did 3x10 on a bike. My timing was perfect: I finished and walked toward the locker room, and the electricity flickered. Got changed, started to leave, and the electricity went out and stayed out. Had to get someone to release the automatic sliding glass door at the main entrance to let us out. Everywhere (bars, stores, etc) with no power as I walked home. But then our street, and our apartment, had power, never lost it.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-05 (Tuesday)

Power went out around 1030. Maybe just a flicker, but our main breaker is GFCI and it took me a bit to figure out how to reset it.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sister and niece came to our apartment to visit with Dora.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-06 (Wednesday)

To gym, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-07 (Thursday)

To old apartment and walked the dog. Then brought him and his stuff to new apartment, he's staying with us overnight.

Walked the dog twice more.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-08 (Friday)

Walked the dog. Then son came by to pick him up and take him back to old apartment.

To govt office with Dora to do paperwork.

To gym with Dora, did 3x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-09 (Saturday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-10 (Sunday)

To gym with Dora, did 4x10 on a bike.

Online, booked a trip to Nice France in early December.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-11 (Monday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-12 (Tuesday)

Cool morning, cold and wet the rest of the day.

To gym with Dora, did 4x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-13 (Wednesday)

Cold day, especially when the wind is blowing.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-14 (Thursday)

To gym with Dora, did 4x10 on a bike.

Five of us (no dog) to restaurant to celebrate a birthday. Then to old apartment. I walked the dog twice. Birthday cake.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-15 (Friday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-16 (Saturday)

To gym, did 4x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-17 (Sunday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-18 (Monday)

To gym, did 4x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-19 (Tuesday)

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-20 (Wednesday)

Windy morning, and again in the evening.

To gym, did 4x10 on a bike.

Son and dog came over to visit and have dinner with us. I walked the dog twice.

Online, booked bus tours in Nice. Pricey, but worth it to see lots of little towns.

To old apartment to deliver a printout etc. Walked the dog.

Friend of Dora arrived to stay with us for a couple of nights.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-21 (Thursday)

Windy cold day. And we're finding that the apartment gets very cold in such situations, because: single-pane windows, window frames not sealed to walls properly in some places, and some gaps in holes in windows in utility area where pipes go through (we made this one worse by removing a door).

Locksmith came to look at the front door. He says the door is fine, but the locks are old and easy to pick, as I expected. €1600 to install two new locks, which sounds high to me (later Dora said €1300 instead).

Later, to lock shop, and talked Dora into getting only the top lock replaced, we need only one super-secure lock to be secure. Got away for €550. She'd like to have all shiny-new stuff top and bottom, but I'm unwilling to spend the extra money.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-22 (Friday)

With Dora to a paint store to buy a lot of supplies; she wants to sand and paint our front door (ourselves) because thieves have gouged symbols into it. But then when we got home someone told her it's a bad idea to sand the door, I guess the finished surface is thin or the gouges are too deep ? And later I found out that he also recommended a specialist worker to come and do it properly, so we'll do that.

To gym, did 4x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog. Found a €2 coin on the sidewalk on the way home !

Sun for a new day  2024-11-23 (Saturday)

Friend left in the afternoon.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-24 (Sunday)

To gym, did 4x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-25 (Monday)

Worker came to look at persianas, mounting TV on wall, gaps around pipes in kitchen.

Another worker arrived to install new lock on front door. And immediately says the strike-plate mounting wood is bad, another €80 to fix that. But we got our money's worth, it took him about 4 hours to do everything, and the result looks good.

Son and dog came to visit and have dinner with us. I walked the dog twice.

First worker stayed all day, 9-7, had dinner with us, paid him €120. He cleaned the three persianas, which were filthy, and replaced the cords on them.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-26 (Tuesday)

Workers came to look at fixing paint on the front door, and soon were taking us to a neighbor upstairs and showing us we could have bought a complete new door with lots of nice features for €1000, instead of doing just the lock for the €630 we paid. Too late now.

And in the upstairs apartment, Dora saw that they have built-in closets, instead of the freestanding IKEA units we have, and now she wants that.

To gym, did 4x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-27 (Wednesday)

Up early, taxi to Maquinista by 9, into Leroy Merlin home-store, met the worker. Dora had fun picking lots of curtain-rods and such, but she didn't like their curtains, so we didn't get those. Out for about €435. Home after 11.

In late afternoon, to ECI. Turns out they don't have curtains, but Dora bought a toaster, a rice-cooker, and silverware. She saw lots of clothed she wanted to buy.

Too tired to go walk the dog; son will do it.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-28 (Thursday)

Worker came 11-7 to do stuff. I thought he was going to do curtain-rods, but instead he scraped and painted rusty window-frame-metal in the small balcony.

To gym, did 4x10 on a bike.

Dora got it into her head to move the internet router a bit, so a technician came and put in a longer fiber cable. Also showed her how to use an extra-channel box she's renting.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Son and dog came to our apartment in late evening, they're going to sleep over, son and Dora need to get an early start tomorrow morning ?

Took the dog for a walk.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-29 (Friday)

Walked the dog. Worker arrived at 9. I walked the dog again later.

I felt bad all afternoon, headachey and tired and cold. Son and dog left.

Worker painted railings outside main window. Left at 7 or so.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-11-30 (Saturday)

Worker worked 10-8, got various curtain-rods up.

To gym, did 4x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Apartment feels different with curtains up, even if they aren't the final curtains.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-01 (Sunday)

In evening, son and dog came to visit. I walked the dog twice.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-02 (Monday)

Up early, taxi to Macquinista, met worker at Merlin Leroy. Returned a bunch of curtain-rod parts, bought others, bought a small Chistmas tree. Into Media Markt and they bought a Wi-Fi extender I didn't want them to buy.

Taxi to IKEA, and a death-march through there all morning and into the afternoon. Finally done at 2 or so, had a snack, taxi to home. My credit card almost got maxxed out; I thought the Nice hotel was billed last month, but turns out they billed it yesterday.

Son and dog came to visit and have dinner with us. I walked the dog.

All of us went to farmacia, then to old apartment. Eventually out and Dora and I and her father (for no good reason I could see) went back to our apartment. He'll sleep here tonight.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-03 (Tuesday)

Father went home. Worker arrived at 10, put up some curtain-rods and some curtains. We're packing for trip. Son and dog came over. I took the dog for a walk. Worker left around 3, came back after 4. I walked the dog again.

Trip to Nice France:

Dora and I are out before 5, into a taxi at the circle. To airport, eventually onto plane, 1-hour flight to Nice.

Eventually off plane. Airport is pretty empty at this time of night, but we did have to go through passport control. Get bags, onto tram into town. About 12 stops, then walk to another tram stop and wait 10 minutes. 3 stops or so, off, and a short walk to our hotel.

No problem getting in, and the room is fine. But the hotel is very small and simple. No elevator, but our room is only 1 floor up.

Out after 11:15 for a little stroll around old-town. Plenty of people in the bars. A little cold, but not bad, and no wind. Looking for a hot cup of tea for Dora, but couldn't find one. Back to hotel, and found a lounge-room we hadn't seen before, and it has fixings for tea and coffee. So we had hot tea.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-04 (Wednesday)

Out around 10. Hotel lobby: pic. Stopped in cathedral next to our hotel, and it's quite nice (pics). Out to main road and found the hotel we will use for pickup for our bus trips. Followed the tram line and up the main street, Rue Jean Medicin. Into La Grand Cafe du France and had breakfast.

Dora doing various shopping. Stopped at Basilica Notre Dame, but it's disappointng (pic). Up to the end of the street, and uphill climb to Chagall museum. Got there at 12:30 and they're closing from 1 to 2:30 for some "exceptional" reason, so we didn't go in.

Down and Dora went into a wig shop, and spent more than 1.5 hours having her hair washed and arranged. I sat out on a cold street-corner and people-watched.

Back down toward the hotel, but diverted to the beach. It's all pebbles, and we didn't go down onto it, but the promenade above it is nice, sunny with lots of people. Into old town and checked out the flower market. Another church: pic. To hotel by 3:30. Tired. Various pics of the day: pics.

But Dora is hungry, and she has online seminars to watch at 5 and 7, so we dashed out and ate at a sandwich place.

Out again at 8:30 or so. To a nearby Thai restaurant for dinner, bowls of curry soup that were just a little too spicy. But good. Pics.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-05 (Thursday)

Up after 7, out at 8. Walked to a nearby big hotel and met the tour guide at 8:20. Into van, picked up two more people (Ava and Achmet) from other hotels, and we're off. The guide Elizabeth is a non-stop talker and adventurous driver. Ava is from near Toronto, Achmet is an orthopedic surgeon from Egypt who lives in Dubai. Nice to have plenty of spare room in the van.

Lots of driving, down to Cannes. We got out and wandered near the convention center, and saw the famous red carpet for the film festival.

To Antibes, and eventually to somewhere at the east end of it, to a nice port marina and small village. Had a little breakfast (just coffee and pastry). Dora went into a secondhand shop and bought two nice coats for €95 total.

Into the hills to St Paul de Vence, a lovely hilltop town full of art galleries. Pics.

Again into the hills to Eze, a town with a Fragonard perfume factory and shop. Dora bought €140 worth of perfumes. Climbed up to a church on a peak, but it was closed for renovation. Pics.

Then to Monaco. We saw the fort and the prince's palace. Pics.

To Monte Carlo, and got into the casino, no charge (I had been told it cost €75 to enter). We didn't get to the inside-inside; we got into the lobby and then the slot-machine area. Pics. A hotel nearby supposedly has rooms with top price €44K per night (must be for a penthouse).

Back to Nice, and dumped out at Placa Massena, end of tour at 4:40 or so. Nominally it was supposed to go until 6. But we all were tired, and happy to stop. Dora and I and Ava found a restaurant and had dinner; nice but pricey.

Out, said good-bye, and then Dora and I went into the Christmas Village. Nice, but crowded, and we're tired and carrying bags. Pics. To hotel by 6:15 or so.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-06 (Friday)

Out at 11 or so, I'm feeling sleepy. Into a cafe for coffee/tea and breakfast-on-a-bagel.

Onto tram, and to main train station. Caught a train with a minute to spare, and it's crowded, but Dora grabbed seats for us.

40-minute ride east to Menton, stopping at half a dozen places along the way. Nice views of the sea.

Out, and wandered down to the waterfront, stopping in a church and looking at lots of real-estate office listings. The beachfront is nice but the restaurants are pricey. Walked along the waterfront for a while, then inland a block, and soon found a nice pedestrian-street full of shops.

Stopped for a snack, then Dora bought pants and other stuff. Eventually to the end of the street, and sat in a nice public garden for a while.

Into a bar/cafe, and I ordered a specialty they make here, limoncello. But Dora grabbed my drink and spilled 7/8 of it before I could take a sip. Rest of the drink was nice, and the food was good, but a lot more of it than I wanted.

Back along the street to do some more shopping, then headed for the train station. Again our timing was good, 3 minutes to spare after wrestling with the ticket-machine. Plenty of seats until we got to Monaco, where a crowd surged on.

Out at Nice, soon onto a tram, home after 7.

Pics from the day: pics.

Out after 9:30 to some small grocery stores to buy fruit and juice etc. We haven't been eating very healthily on this trip.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-07 (Saturday)

Slept late again. Late enough to screw up the maid service, but later we got fresh towels.

Out and ended up in a Portuguese cafe for coffee and pastry. Then walked up the main shopping street yet again. Dora bought three pairs of shoes. Got up to the train station, came back through side-streets in the Musiciens district. Emerged at the beach, and sat for a while enjoying the scene.

Then along the beach and into old town, and to the flower market. Scoped out places for dinner. Stopped in a couple of churches on the way home; we keep finding new churches here. To hotel by 3:30.

Dinner at an Australian sports pub. Meat pie and a Guinness for me, roast pork loin for Dora. Quite good.

Pics from the day: pics.

I've picked up a cold, coughing and sneezing, and it's getting worse. Started taking antibiotics.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-08 (Sunday)

To 10 AM mass at a nearby church. Which turned out to be extra-long, maybe 90 minutes. Then a procession through the streets of old town, singing hymns.

Walked along the waterfront, around a headland, and to the port. Which had a big open-air market going today, and Dora bought two coats. To a nearby restaurant for lunch.

Checked out church Notre-Dame du Port, then walked up to Plaza Garibaldi. More markets here, Dora bought a hat.

Walked up the tram-street to Palais des Expedicions, then took the tram home, arriving at 3.

Out at 4 and went to a nearby church for a free choral concert of Christmas music. Pleasant, but I think the quality was mixed.

Have been trying to get internet all afternoon. Wi-Fi was broken at the restaurant where we ate, and hotel Wi-Fi is failing too. Finally used Dora's phone as a hotspot and got Wi-Fi that way. Confirmed that I was charged correctly for the coats, and confirmed our tour tomorrow.

Out later for a nice meal at an Indian restaurant, then a small stroll through old town.

Pics from the day: pics.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-09 (Monday)

Up early, and over to another hotel to be picked up at 08:20 for a tour. Like our last tour, just 4 passengers, comfortable.

To a Fragonard perfume factory outside Grasse, but all of us have been to this or similar factories on other tours, so just a quick stop. Still interesting.

To small hill town of Gourdon, most things closed today, but some nice glassware to look at and buy.

To waterfalls.

To small town of Tourettes-Loop. Nice, but really just one choice for lunch: a small bakery.

To St Paul du Vence, which Dora and I went to on the previous tour. Still nice, and we saw parts of it we didn't see before. Spent time in a cafe and I had a nice slice of cheesecake.

Back to town, out of the van after 5, home before 5:30.

Pretty good dinner at a not-fancy mid-Eastern place. We first tried to go to an Afghan restaurant, but they were closed because part of their ceiling was damaged or falling down.

Pics from the day: pics.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-10 (Tuesday)

Up, Dora packed, and out of hotel, leaving our luggage in the kitchen, where the manager will keep an eye on it.

To Place Garibaldi, and the Natural History Museum. Which turned out to be tiny, and with an interesting thread of LEGO woven into the exhibits.

Tram to train station. Dora went in a shop for a while and bought stuff. Then longish walk west to a Russian Orthodox cathedral, which was nice but not very flashy inside.

Out and stopped for snacks. Then back to main shopping street and walked all the way down it, stopping in a few places.

Sat in a park for a while, then into old town and had tea in a place next to our hotel.

To hotel and retrieved the luggage. To tram, and to airport by 5 or so. Had a snack, then onto first flight. Unfortunately, our return flight connects through Madrid, adding several hours to the trip.

Flight to Madrid was okay, and we bought some food aboard. Caught our flight to Barcelona, and the seats are much tighter, it's almost painful.

Arrived at Barcelona, where it's colder and raining. Home at about midnight-15. Dog and son happy to see us.

Pics from the day: pics.

So, the trip was good. Not as cold as I feared. We didn't get to any art museums. Fairly high prices, as expected, and Dora bought a lot of stuff, but some of it was secondhand. No problems with hotel or flights or tours.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-11 (Wednesday)

Headachey and tired. Cold and wet outside, but I took the dog for a walk. Feeling better after ibuprofen and breakfast. Worker arrived at 10:30. I walked the dog again. Son and dog went to old apartment. Dora and worker did a big trip to the stores.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-12 (Thursday)

Worker arrived at 4.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

To medical clinic right here on our street, which is part of our private insurance network. Consulted with a GP. Convenient.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-13 (Friday)

Dora went out, and I was sitting down to breakfast, when a worker arrived to measure all the windows and persianas. As he was finishing, another set of workers arrived about the front door. Got Dora on the phone and they all agreed to come back again later.

To gym, did 4x10 on a bike.

Worker arrived at 4 or so, he's doing fixtures in the bathrooms, and more. Stayed until 8 or so.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-14 (Saturday)

Workers arrived at 9 to do IKEA furniture. I slept very late.

Workers stayed until 4 or so. In addition to assembling table, chair, kitchen cabinet, Dora had them move a bed from one room to another, which required shifting lots of bags full of stuff. Furniture pics.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-15 (Sunday)

To gym with Dora, did 4x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-16 (Monday)

Mailed Christmas cards, in December for a change. Usually get it done in Jan or Feb.

To old apartment, met Dora there and ate together, and walked the dog twice.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-17 (Tuesday)

To gym, did 4x10 on a bike.

Son and dog came to visit and have dinner with us. Walked the dog twice.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-18 (Wednesday)

Worker was supposed to come today, but his whole family is sick, and now he's sick too.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

In early evening, out with Dora to medical appointments. Easy bus ride to clinic. On the way home, stopped in a church we'd often walked by but never been inside. Metro and bus to home.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-19 (Thursday)

Out early with Dora, to medical center again. Blood and urine test for me. After we got out: cafe, bank, bus, lottery shop, bus, dental, butcher, another shop, home. I'm tired.

To gym with Dora, did 4x10 on a bike.

To old apartment and walked the dog.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-20 (Friday)

To old apartment for dinner with Dora and son, and walked the dog twice.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-21 (Saturday)

To gym with Dora, did 4x10 on a bike.

In the evening, son and dog came to visit. I took the dog for a walk.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-22 (Sunday)

Cool and windy day.

Son and dog came over to visit and eat with us. I walked the dog.

Packing for trip to North for Christmas.

Trip to Ampuero Spain:

Out at 10, to nearby taxi stand, had to wait a while. But to bus station in plenty of time for our 11 PM bus.

Long overnight trip, legroom is cramped, but otherwise okay. Listened to music, watched a couple of movies on the screen. Stopped halfway at a rest stop.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-23 (Monday)

Arrived Laredo before 0800. Taxi we called came, took us to Ampuero. Had to get on a ladder and knock on a window to get Dora's father to let us in, he's a bit deaf.

Feeling bad all day: tired and headache. My body needs regular sleep, and I didn't get it on the bus. Took ibuprofen, then later Nolotil.

Sister and niece arrived in the afternoon.

Other sister and her family, whose house this is, finally arrived after 11:30 PM. They split their time between here and a place in Bilbao.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-24 (Tuesday)

Dinner starting at 11 PM or so. Traditional.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-25 (Wednesday)

Pics: Dog back in Barcelona, Christmas tree at sister's place, Manger at sister's place.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-26 (Thursday)

Dora and sisters went to Bilbao to see relatives etc. Staying overnight.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-27 (Friday)

Quiet day. Dora and others back at 10:30 PM or so.

Late-night Zoom call with family in USA.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-28 (Saturday)

Out in the car (two trips to haul all 9 of us) to Colindres, to have family photos taken at a photo studio. Then 4 of us to cafe, then to fruit/veg shop, then to supermarket for a huge load of food.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-29 (Sunday)

In the evening, Dora's 90+-year-old father fell down outside, and an ambulance came to take him to the hospital for a checkup. His blood-sugar and ECG are not good, and they did a brain CT scan. But apparently that was okay, they came home before midnight. About 3.5 hours from ambulance to being home.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-30 (Monday)

Out with Dora in a taxi, and up to a hilltop church. She had a special Mass said for deceased relatives. First time I've been in a Mass where the entire congregation consisted of just the two of us, and in a fairly big church too.

Sun for a new day  2024-12-31 (Tuesday)

Dinner starting at 11:30 PM or so. Traditional. Then at midnight we each ate 12 grapes, then went outside with suitcases (symbol of travel in the year).

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