Current project status:
The program is "done", but goes crazy when board is connected
to actual auto-pilot back-end and tested live. Noise is coming from back-end relays and into
PIC board through the power connection.
Sorry, I've given up on this project; I never got it fully working on my boat. Some kind of electrical glitch made the board reset every time it steered. The program works, but some people say you may have to change it to read a different sentence from the GPS to steer properly. And now my GPS's display has faded out, so I won't be trying to get it to work any further. Sorry.
From someone 6/2014:
From someone else :
Sorry, I've given up on this project; I never got it fully working on my boat. Some kind of electrical glitch made the board reset every time it steered. The program works, but some people say you may have to change it to read a different sentence from the GPS to steer properly. And now my GPS's display has faded out, so I won't be trying to get it to work any further. Sorry.
From someone 6/2014:
After many modifications, debugging and some basic steering algorithm, I got the system working !!
Code is
But, working with GPS has its price. I am now in a point that the stability and accuracy of steering is limited by update rate of the GPS data that I found to be too slow for sea condition higher than calm.
I am now thinking about replacing the GPA with a "tilt compensated compass", they are cheap enough for me to give it a try.
But, working with GPS has its price. I am now in a point that the stability and accuracy of steering is limited by update rate of the GPS data that I found to be too slow for sea condition higher than calm.
I am now thinking about replacing the GPA with a "tilt compensated compass", they are cheap enough for me to give it a try.
From someone else :
I also tried steering by GPS ... and it wasn't good. Data rate is much too slow ... by the time
GPS notices I'm off course ... I'm WAY off course so it steers an extreme zig-zag route along my intended path.
My understanding of commercial autopilots is that when steering by GPS, they simply use the GPS to create a local compass bearing (updated periodically) and steer by digital compass and pitch/yaw from accelerometers.
My understanding of commercial autopilots is that when steering by GPS, they simply use the GPS to create a local compass bearing (updated periodically) and steer by digital compass and pitch/yaw from accelerometers.
My 35-year-old sailboat has a 35-year-old below-decks autopilot (Benmar 16B-3). The "control" parts of the autopilot are complicated, a mix of transistor-era elecronics and odd mechanical connections, and very balky and mostly broken. The "movement" parts of the autopilot (an electric motor, hydraulic pump, and hydraulic ram) still work okay.
Get the autopilot repaired by the manufacturer.
Likely to be expensive, if feasible at all. And afterward I'll have a repaired 35-year-old autopilot. -
Buy a complete new modern below-decks hydraulic autopilot.
Expensive; probably $2000 ? -
It might be possible to buy just the control head part (compass and buttons and
intelligence electronics) of a modern autopilot and connect that to the "movement"
parts of my old autopilot. The control head itself would cost $100-$200 used,
maybe $400 new, and then a small dab of additional electrical stuff might be
needed to connect it to my existing electrical motor.
- Make a full control head:
Design and make a small circuit board containing a magnetic or fluxgate compass sensor or a GPS module, and control relays that can control the electric motor of my autopilot. I could design it simply to keep steering in whatever direction the boat was headed when the board was turned on, so it wouldn't need any kind of "user interface" (buttons and LEDs and display to let the user control it). Total parts cost might be $150-$300.
But my circuit-design and circuit-building skills are nil. This also requires computer-programming skills; I have those. -
Connect GPS to "movement" parts of my old autopilot.
I already have a GPS that can output NMEA 0183 information to steer to a waypoint. That is most of the "intelligence" of an autopilot control head; maybe I can connect that to the "movement" parts of the old autopilot.
What is needed is some electronics that can read NMEA 0183 signals from the GPS and produce "steer right" and "steer left" electrical outputs to the electrical motor from my old autopilot.
GPS-to-steering Alternatives:
- Commercial products:
I have found one cheap-ish commercial product that connects GPS to steering: the GPS Smart Coupler.
But it costs $250, and the output signals from it won't control an electrical motor directly (without some additional relays or other electrical stuff). And things could get complicated if the "steering sensitivity" of the two parts don't match. - Make it myself:
I could buy and program a small circuit board that will read NMEA 0183 output from my boat's GPS and control relays that can control the electric motor of my autopilot. Total parts cost might be $100.
This requires computer-programming skills; I have those.
- GPS that can steer to a waypoint and output NMEA sentences.
Looks like the GPS must output the "GPRMB" sentence, which contains the "cross-track error" info.
Example: $GPRMB,A,0.66,L,003,004,4917.24,N,12309.57,W,001.3,052.5,000.5,V*0B<CR><LF>
where "0.66,L" (always exactly 6 digits) is the cross-track error in NM and direction to steer.
My boat has a Garmin 128 GPS, which can do this.
(Some GPS's may provide a "GPAPB" or "GPXTE" sentence instead, which gives same "cross-track error" info. Some GPS's may provide proprietary sentences, starting with "P", to do the same.)
Not sure how often these sentences are output by each GPS.
Not sure what the Data Status (A/V) field means; one document says "A = OK, V = warning", another says "A = OK, V = Void (warning)", another says "A = Active, V = Void". Does that mean "A = on course, V = off course", "A = good info, V = ignore this sentence", or something else ?
GPS NMEA 0183 output (RS-232) must be +/-12 volts; I've heard some (non-GPS) devices cheat and put out +/-5 volts.
- Circuit board (development board) that can read NMEA 0183 (RS-232) input and control relays for motor-control.
I chose to use PIC-based boards, and bought this one:
Microchip PIC-IO-A or PIC-IO-18 ($33; 18-pin; 4 x 10A relays)
(I think my autopilot motor draws about 5A at 12VDC, well within the relay capacity. And I can gang together two relays for each steering direction, so I'd be using only 5A of a 20A capacity. My old autopilot does have a relay box for the motor, but it's fairly complicated and I'm not sure I want to rely on it.)
12V input
Status LED connected to RB5 (PORTB bit 5; marked "LED9" on board)
Input status LEDs (marked "LED1" through "LED4" on board; RA4 = LED1/IN1, RB0 = LED2/IN2, RB3 = LED3/IN3, RB4 = LED4/IN4)
Output/relay status LEDs (marked "LED5" through "LED8" on board; RA3 = LED5/RELAY1, RA2 = LED6/RELAY2, RA1 = LED7/RELAY3, RA0 = LED8/RELAY4)
(Had to get the schematic image for the board to figure out the pin-to-LED assignments.)
- Microcontroller chip to plug into the circuit board:
I chose PIC-type processors:
(Must have one with a UART or USART, for doing RS-232.)
(Not sure what memory size I'm going to need.)
Wanted SparkFun PIC 16F88 (4K; $5), but ended up buying everything from Microchip, so got:
PIC16F628A-I/P from Microchip (2K; $3; 18 DIP; 20 MHz)
- A PC (desktop or laptop) for writing and downloading the program that will run on the processor chip:
I have a laptop with a USB port, no RS-232 port.
This turns out to be important when you get to the "choose a programmer" step; programmers using USB are more expensive than those using RS-232, but laptop RS-232 ports or USB-to-RS-232 adapters may not work. - Software to create the program that will run on the processor chip:
I chose to write in the C language, so I need a C compiler that supports the chip I chose:
HI-TECH C PRO for the PIC10/12/16 MCU Family (free)
MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (free; includes debugger, simulator, two C compilers, interfaces to programmer boards)
[DO I WANT TO TRY A SIMULATOR ?] - Programmer board to install program from PC into PIC processor chip:
(Programmers vary by: chips supported, type of connection to PC, type of power source, type of connection to chip or development board.)
SparkFun PGM-00004 ($92; USB)
Futurlec ($59; USB)
I bought the Microchip PX-200.
Had to buy special cable to connect programmer to development board; apparently there are no standards, so cable that came with programmer wasn't right. Cable cost $9.50 plus $4 shipping. Use beige RS232 cable, not grey one, and pins are connected as follows: MCLR on small board to pin 1 on PIC-IO-18 board, rest in order up to PGM on small board to pin 6 on PIC-IO-18 board. - Software to drive programmer board:
PICkit 2 came included with the programmer board, and is used by MPLAB IDE.
IC-Prog (free)
- Miscellaneous:
Male DB-9 connector to plug into circuit board, for NEMA input from GPS.
Various wire.
12V power plug to fit socket on target board.
Power switch.
Box to mount/hold/shield the circuit board.
Various resources for knowledge and parts:
- PIC knowledge:
MicrochipC's "PIC and Hi-Tech C FAQ"
MicroController Pros' "Developing Embedded Systems - A Tools Introduction"
Wikipedia's "PIC microcontroller"
- PIC parts:
- NMEA knowledge:
from Dale DePriest
NMEA signals are RS-232 at 4800 bps, no parity, and one stop bit.
Picture of programmer and target boards.
Test Programming
12/2011: Someone has told me that in newest software,
include file name has been changed from pic16f62xa.h to pic16f628a.h,
and also
changes to
I haven't tested these changes myself.
include file name has been changed from pic16f62xa.h to pic16f628a.h,
and also
changes to
I haven't tested these changes myself.
Small test program (in C programming language):
// Test program to blink LEDs on PIC-IO-18 (PIC-IO-A) board // with PIC16F628A chip installed. #include <pic.h> #include <pic16f62xa.h> #include <htc.h> // required for delay routines __CONFIG(UNPROTECT & LVPDIS & BORDIS & MCLREN & PWRTDIS & WDTDIS & HS); // 0x3F2A /* for PIC-IO-18 board, oscillator configuration == HS */ #ifndef _XTAL_FREQ // required to calibrate __delay_us() and __delay_ms() #define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000 // internal clock freq (4MHz), not freq (20MHz) of crystal on board #endif /* for PIC-IO-18 board: output: RB5 = status LED9 inputs: RA4 = LED1/IN1, RB0 = LED2/IN2, RB3 = LED3/IN3, RB4 = LED4/IN4 outputs/relays: RA3 = LED5/RELAY1, RA2 = LED6/RELAY2, RA1 = LED7/RELAY3, RA0 = LED8/RELAY4 */ main(void) { unsigned int i; TRISA = 0; // all port A bits output TRISB = 0; // all port B bits output PORTA = 0x00; // turn all outputs off PORTB = 0x00; // turn all outputs off for(;;) { // RA3 = 1; // LED5/RELAY1 RB5 = 1; // LED9 for(i = 50 ; --i ;) { __delay_ms(20); } RB5 = 0; // LED9 for(i = 500 ; --i ;) { __delay_ms(20); } } }
Another small test program (in C programming language):
// Program to test timer interrupts // on PIC-IO-18 (PIC-IO-A) board // with PIC16F628A chip installed. #include <pic.h> #include <pic16f62xa.h> __CONFIG(UNPROTECT & LVPDIS & BORDIS & MCLREN & PWRTDIS & WDTDIS & HS); // 0x3F2A /* for PIC-IO-18 board, oscillator configuration == HS */ /* for PIC-IO-18 board: output: RB5 = status LED9 inputs: RA4 = LED1/IN1, RB0 = LED2/IN2, RB3 = LED3/IN3, RB4 = LED4/IN4 outputs/relays: RA3 = LED5/RELAY1, RA2 = LED6/RELAY2, RA1 = LED7/RELAY3, RA0 = LED8/RELAY4 */ static long lCount0; static long lCount1; static bit bLED0On; static bit bLED1On; main(void) { TRISA = 0; // all port A bits output TRISB = 0; // all port B bits output PORTA = 0x00; // turn all outputs off PORTB = 0x00; // turn all outputs off lCount0 = 0; lCount1 = 0; bLED0On = 0; bLED1On = 0; // Timer 0 is an 8-bit counter that interrupts // when it overflows from 0xFF to 0x00. // There is an 8-bit "prescaler", which counts // how many cycles (0-256) to ignore before incrementing // the counter each time. // This prescaler is shared with the watchdog timer. OPTION = 0b0111; // Timer 0 prescale by 1:256 T0CS = 0; // Timer 0 increments on instruction clock T0IE = 1; // Enable interrupt on TMR0 overflow // Timer 1 is a 16-bit counter that interrupts // when it overflows from 0xFFFF to 0x0000. // There is a 2-bit "prescaler", which counts // how many cycles (0-8) to ignore before incrementing // the counter each time. T1CKPS1 = 0; // Timer 1 prescale by 1:1 T1CKPS0 = 0; TMR1CS = 0; // Timer 1 increments on instruction clock TMR1IE = 1; // Enable interrupt on Timer 1 overflow TMR1ON = 1; // Enable Timer 1 // Timer 2: does not generate interrupts; feeds output // to serial port or CCP. PEIE = 1; // enable peripheral interrupts; needed for Timer1 GIE = 1; // Global interrupt enable for(;;) NOP(); // do nothing } // interrupt function - the name is unimportant static void interrupt isr(void) { // timer 0 overflow ? if (T0IF) { lCount0++; if ((lCount0%32) == 0) { bLED0On = !bLED0On; RB5 = bLED0On; // LED9 } T0IF = 0; // clear interrupt flag, ready for next } // timer 1 overflow ? else if (TMR1IF) { lCount1++; if ((lCount1%128) == 0) { bLED1On = !bLED1On; RA3 = bLED1On; // LED5/RELAY1 } TMR1IF = 0; // clear interrupt flag, ready for next } // unexpected interrupt else { RA0 = 1; // LED8/RELAY4 } }
Another small test program (in C programming language):
// Program to test serial port receive interrupts // on PIC-IO-18 (PIC-IO-A) board // with PIC16F628A chip installed. #include <pic.h> #include <pic16f62xa.h> __CONFIG(UNPROTECT & LVPDIS & BORDIS & MCLREN & PWRTDIS & WDTDIS & HS); // 0x3F2A /* for PIC-IO-18 board, oscillator configuration == HS */ /* for PIC-IO-18 board: output: RB5 = status LED9 inputs: RA4 = LED1/IN1, RB0 = LED2/IN2, RB3 = LED3/IN3, RB4 = LED4/IN4 outputs/relays: RA3 = LED5/RELAY1, RA2 = LED6/RELAY2, RA1 = LED7/RELAY3, RA0 = LED8/RELAY4 */ // do RS232 9600 baud, 8 bits #define BAUD 9600 #define FOSC 20000000L #define DIVIDER ((int)(FOSC/(16UL * BAUD) -1))// for >= 9600 baud //#define DIVIDER ((int)(FOSC/(64UL * BAUD) -1))// for < 9600 baud static unsigned char cInput; static long lCount; static bit bLEDOn; main(void) { unsigned char cInput; TRISA = 0; // all port A bits output TRISB = 0; // all port B bits output PORTA = 0x00; // turn all outputs off PORTB = 0x00; // turn all outputs off lCount = 0; bLEDOn = 0; // initialize communications TRISB = 0x06; // RB1 and RB2 used by USART SPBRG = DIVIDER;// set baud rate RCSTA = 0x80; // serial port enable, 8-bit TXSTA = 0x04; // 8-bit, no-xmit, async, high-speed RCIE = 1; // enable recv interrupts TXIE = 0; // no xmit interrupts CREN = 1; // continuous recv enable PEIE = 1; // enable peripheral ints; needed for USART GIE = 1; // Global interrupt enable for(;;) NOP(); // do nothing } // interrupt function - the name is unimportant static void interrupt isr(void) { // received char ? if (RCIF) { if (FERR) { // framing error unsigned char cGarbage = RCREG; // clears FERR RA1 = 1; // LED7/RELAY3 RCIF = 0; return; } lCount++; cInput = RCREG; if (cInput == 'G') { RA3 = 1; // LED5/RELAY1 NOP(); NOP(); RA3 = 0; // LED5/RELAY1 } bLEDOn = !bLEDOn; RB5 = bLEDOn; // LED9 if (OERR) { // overrun error CREN = 0; CREN = 1; RA2 = 1; // LED6/RELAY2 } RCIF = 0; // clear interrupt flag, ready for next } // unexpected interrupt else { RA0 = 1; // LED8/RELAY4 } }
Wiring for inputs to PIC-IO-18 (PIC-IO-A) board:
From Volker at Tech Support at MicroController Pros Corporation:
What is the quickest and dirtiest way I could use the inputs, on my boat ? My system voltage varies from about 12.3V (low batteries, no charging) to 14.5V (full batteries, alternator charging). Suppose I wired two of the board's inputs in series ? Each of the four LEDs (two on the board and two inside the optocouplers) drops 1.5V. So that would leave 14.5 - 6 = 8.5V to drop over the two 330 Ohm resistors in series. Current would be I = 8.5V / 660 Ohm = 12.9 mA. That would be well within the 20 mA limit for each indicator LED. Should work. Does work !
What is the maximum allowable input voltage on a single input ? Voltage drop through two LEDs will be 3V. Max current is 20 mA. Voltage drop through resistor will be V = 20 mA x 330 Ohm = 6.6 V. Max voltage to input V = 6.6V + 3V = 9.6 V.
> Do the IN's take 5V or 12V ? I assume 5V.
> For example, +5 to IN1-1 and VSS to IN1-2 ?
> What is the maximum voltage tolerated ?
> If I had an external 12V supply, and needed to use
> a resistor in series to drop it down to 5V to apply
> to the Input, what size resistor should I use (what
> is the current draw through an Input) ?
> Where can I easily tap into GND and +5 on the
> board (without soldering or something),
> to route them to the IN's ?
> There doesn't seem to be any easy access point.
The PIC-IO-A board uses 4N37 optocouplers on the inputs (see schematics).
An optocoupler has an internal LED on the inputs, whose light output is proportional to the input current. You can apply ANY voltage you like, as long as you limit the diode forward CURRENT to the maximum allowable diode current as per 4N37 datasheet. You limit the diode current through a series resistor. Per 4N37 datasheet the MAX diode forward current is 60 mA.
Looking at the PIC-IO schematic you can see that there is an input indicator LED in series with the optocoupler LED. Both of these LEDs have a forward voltage of about 1.5V, so 2 x 1.5V = 3V.
In series with those two LEDs is a 330 Ohm current-limiting resistor. Therefore the voltage that drops over that current limiting resistor is Vr = Vin - 3V.
And the current that flows through the resistor and the diodes is I = Vr/R = (Vin - 3V) / R.
If Vin = 12V then I = 9V / 330 Ohm = 27 mA.
This is well below the max 60 mA forward current of the optocoupler, but it is on the high side for the input indicator LED. Normally you do not want to exceed 20 mA forward current for indicator LEDs.
So the solution would be to replace the 330 Ohm series resistor with a slightly higher value if you want to use a 12V input signal: 470 Ohms. 9V / 470 Ohms = 19 mA.
And yes IN1-1 is the positive input terminal; IN1-2 is GND.
Note that the optocoupler inverts your input signal. If you apply a positive voltage, the optocoupler output transistor will switch on, pulling the output to GND. The absence of a positive input voltage will turn the output transistor off, switching the output to high.
> For example, +5 to IN1-1 and VSS to IN1-2 ?
> What is the maximum voltage tolerated ?
> If I had an external 12V supply, and needed to use
> a resistor in series to drop it down to 5V to apply
> to the Input, what size resistor should I use (what
> is the current draw through an Input) ?
> Where can I easily tap into GND and +5 on the
> board (without soldering or something),
> to route them to the IN's ?
> There doesn't seem to be any easy access point.
The PIC-IO-A board uses 4N37 optocouplers on the inputs (see schematics).
An optocoupler has an internal LED on the inputs, whose light output is proportional to the input current. You can apply ANY voltage you like, as long as you limit the diode forward CURRENT to the maximum allowable diode current as per 4N37 datasheet. You limit the diode current through a series resistor. Per 4N37 datasheet the MAX diode forward current is 60 mA.
Looking at the PIC-IO schematic you can see that there is an input indicator LED in series with the optocoupler LED. Both of these LEDs have a forward voltage of about 1.5V, so 2 x 1.5V = 3V.
In series with those two LEDs is a 330 Ohm current-limiting resistor. Therefore the voltage that drops over that current limiting resistor is Vr = Vin - 3V.
And the current that flows through the resistor and the diodes is I = Vr/R = (Vin - 3V) / R.
If Vin = 12V then I = 9V / 330 Ohm = 27 mA.
This is well below the max 60 mA forward current of the optocoupler, but it is on the high side for the input indicator LED. Normally you do not want to exceed 20 mA forward current for indicator LEDs.
So the solution would be to replace the 330 Ohm series resistor with a slightly higher value if you want to use a 12V input signal: 470 Ohms. 9V / 470 Ohms = 19 mA.
And yes IN1-1 is the positive input terminal; IN1-2 is GND.
Note that the optocoupler inverts your input signal. If you apply a positive voltage, the optocoupler output transistor will switch on, pulling the output to GND. The absence of a positive input voltage will turn the output transistor off, switching the output to high.
What is the quickest and dirtiest way I could use the inputs, on my boat ? My system voltage varies from about 12.3V (low batteries, no charging) to 14.5V (full batteries, alternator charging). Suppose I wired two of the board's inputs in series ? Each of the four LEDs (two on the board and two inside the optocouplers) drops 1.5V. So that would leave 14.5 - 6 = 8.5V to drop over the two 330 Ohm resistors in series. Current would be I = 8.5V / 660 Ohm = 12.9 mA. That would be well within the 20 mA limit for each indicator LED. Should work. Does work !
What is the maximum allowable input voltage on a single input ? Voltage drop through two LEDs will be 3V. Max current is 20 mA. Voltage drop through resistor will be V = 20 mA x 330 Ohm = 6.6 V. Max voltage to input V = 6.6V + 3V = 9.6 V.
Another small test program (in C programming language):
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test program to read inputs and light LEDs on PIC-IO-18 (PIC-IO-A) board // with PIC16F628A chip installed. // At startup, should see LED9 blink and all relays turn on. Then when // input voltage is applied to IN1 through IN4, should see corresponding // input indicator LED light, and corresponding relay de-activate. // Important: maximum voltage to a single input is 9.6V; otherwise // you will exceed allowed 20 mA current through LED. // To use this program with the standard board and no additional // components (no additional drop-down resistors) in a nominally "12-volt" // system, you can wire each set of two inputs in series, so that the // voltage across each input is nominally 6 volts. Positive goes to // top of input 1, negative to bottom of input 2, bottom of 1 connected // to top of 2. Similarly, positive to top of input 3, negative to bottom // of input 4, bottom of 3 connected to top of 4. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <pic.h> #include <pic16f62xa.h> #include <htc.h> // required for delay routines __CONFIG(UNPROTECT & LVPDIS & BORDIS & MCLREN & PWRTDIS & WDTDIS & HS); // 0x3F2A /* for PIC-IO-18 board, oscillator configuration == HS */ #ifndef _XTAL_FREQ // required to calibrate __delay_us() and __delay_ms() #define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000 // internal clock freq (4MHz), not freq (20MHz) of crystal on board #endif /* for PIC-IO-18 board: output: RB5 = status LED9 inputs: RA4 = LED1/IN1, RB0 = LED2/IN2, RB3 = LED3/IN3, RB4 = LED4/IN4 outputs/relays: RA3 = LED5/RELAY1, RA2 = LED6/RELAY2, RA1 = LED7/RELAY3, RA0 = LED8/RELAY4 */ bit bLED9 = 0; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- main(void) { unsigned int i; TRISA = 0x10; // RA4 is input; all other port A bits output TRISB = 0x19; // RB0/RB3/RB4 are inputs; all other port B bits output PORTA = 0x00; // turn all outputs off PORTB = 0x00; // turn all outputs off for(;;) { RB5 = bLED9; bLED9 = (!bLED9); for(i = 10 ; --i ;) { __delay_ms(20); } // Want to do this: //RA3 = RA4; // RELAY1 = IN1 //RA2 = RB0; // RELAY2 = IN2 //RA1 = RB3; // RELAY3 = IN3 //RA0 = RB4; // RELAY4 = IN4 // But can't read and write individual bits so quickly; have to gang it up unsigned char cPortA; unsigned char cPortB; unsigned char cNewPortA; cPortA = PORTA; cPortB = PORTB; cNewPortA = 0; //RA3 = RA4; RELAY1 = IN1 if (cPortA & 0x10) cNewPortA |= 0x08; //RA2 = RB0; RELAY2 = IN2 if (cPortB & 0x01) cNewPortA |= 0x04; //RA1 = RB3; RELAY3 = IN3 if (cPortB & 0x08) cNewPortA |= 0x02; //RA0 = RB4; RELAY4 = IN4 if (cPortB & 0x10) cNewPortA |= 0x01; PORTA = cNewPortA; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
Problem when using PIC-IO-18 (PIC-IO-A) board relays to drive a load:
From me to Tech Support at MicroController Pros Corporation:
From Doug Hall:
From Robert Sparks:
From ed:
From me:
From Batur Can:
I have two of the relays connected to a motor-relay box,
which itself contains relays that control an electric motor.
This is on a boat, for an auto-pilot. The electric motor
draws about 5A at 12VDC; a digital battery monitor on the
12VDC system doesn't show any big voltage drop when the
motor runs. The battery system contains four golf-cart batteries
(plenty of capacity to run a 5A motor intermittently).
The motor-relay box comes from an old auto-pilot, is
pretty simple, and works fine (as far as I can tell).
My program on the PIC-IO-A runs fine, until it closes either relay on the PIC-IO-A, which closes a relay in the motor-relay box, and makes the motor spin. Then the program goes crazy, probably hanging or something.
This happens even with an extremely simple program, one which just loops, calling delay() functions and turning LED9 and one of the relays on and off. No use of interrupts, serial port, or the four inputs.
What could cause this ? I thought the PIC-IO-A relay outputs are completely isolated from anything else on the board; nothing done there could affect the running of the program. I'm not trying to suck power from the PIC-IO-A board to apply to the motor-relay box. The only connection between the two is that both board and box get power from the same 12VDC system, which includes batteries, solar panels, refrigerator, etc.
Does turning on one of the relays feed back into the processor in any way ? Interfere with a timer, or cause an interrupt ? I'm using relays 1 and 2; haven't checked to see if the same happens with 3 and 4. In any case, I'd expect the same failure with the motor-relay box turned off, and that doesn't happen. Something to do with current drawn through the relay outputs, or voltages seen there ? Shouldn't be possible.
Do I need some kind of power-conditioning on the 12VDC coming into the power connector on the PIC-IO-A board ? But the board runs fine with lots of other stuff active in the 12VDC system: alternator charging batteries, refrigerator running, etc. Somehow, using the relay outputs to make the motor run is the key to causing the failure. (Again, the motor is not connected directly to the PIC-IO-A relays; there is another set of relays between the two. Don't know how much current it takes to activate those relays.)
Response from Tech Support:My program on the PIC-IO-A runs fine, until it closes either relay on the PIC-IO-A, which closes a relay in the motor-relay box, and makes the motor spin. Then the program goes crazy, probably hanging or something.
This happens even with an extremely simple program, one which just loops, calling delay() functions and turning LED9 and one of the relays on and off. No use of interrupts, serial port, or the four inputs.
What could cause this ? I thought the PIC-IO-A relay outputs are completely isolated from anything else on the board; nothing done there could affect the running of the program. I'm not trying to suck power from the PIC-IO-A board to apply to the motor-relay box. The only connection between the two is that both board and box get power from the same 12VDC system, which includes batteries, solar panels, refrigerator, etc.
Does turning on one of the relays feed back into the processor in any way ? Interfere with a timer, or cause an interrupt ? I'm using relays 1 and 2; haven't checked to see if the same happens with 3 and 4. In any case, I'd expect the same failure with the motor-relay box turned off, and that doesn't happen. Something to do with current drawn through the relay outputs, or voltages seen there ? Shouldn't be possible.
Do I need some kind of power-conditioning on the 12VDC coming into the power connector on the PIC-IO-A board ? But the board runs fine with lots of other stuff active in the 12VDC system: alternator charging batteries, refrigerator running, etc. Somehow, using the relay outputs to make the motor run is the key to causing the failure. (Again, the motor is not connected directly to the PIC-IO-A relays; there is another set of relays between the two. Don't know how much current it takes to activate those relays.)
Whenever you switch a relay some pretty nasty electromagnetic interference
is generated. As EMC is radiated (it is not tied to wire connections) it can make its way
into the any of the PIC pins, Vcc line or I/Os and cause corruption of internal registers.
There are ways around this. One would be to use the PIC's integrated brown-out reset and watchdog. For the watchdog you will have to write a small piece of software that reloads the watchdog timer before it times out. If it times out, it forces a reset. This way if your code ever gets stuck in an endless loop (due to corrupted registers), the chip can self-recover. The brown-out will detect any voltage drops that go below the set threshold level and also generate a reset.
Another way is shielding the PIC-IO board (don't think that would be necessary though).
Switching your relays may also cause voltage drop spikes that are so short you can't see it with a normal voltmeter, but that can very well affect the PIC's operation.
Try adding additional filtering to the 12V supply line that goes to the PIC board. I suggest a series inductor, then a 100uF capacitor to GND in parallel with a small ceramic cap (100nF). See if that improves things.
From me to Tech Support:There are ways around this. One would be to use the PIC's integrated brown-out reset and watchdog. For the watchdog you will have to write a small piece of software that reloads the watchdog timer before it times out. If it times out, it forces a reset. This way if your code ever gets stuck in an endless loop (due to corrupted registers), the chip can self-recover. The brown-out will detect any voltage drops that go below the set threshold level and also generate a reset.
Another way is shielding the PIC-IO board (don't think that would be necessary though).
Switching your relays may also cause voltage drop spikes that are so short you can't see it with a normal voltmeter, but that can very well affect the PIC's operation.
Try adding additional filtering to the 12V supply line that goes to the PIC board. I suggest a series inductor, then a 100uF capacitor to GND in parallel with a small ceramic cap (100nF). See if that improves things.
I did a further experiment: I disconnected the electric motor I'm
trying to control, the one that draws 5A at 12VDC. So now have just
relays on the PIC board making relays in my motor-box click.
Still have the problem. Should be very little current flowing.
Board doesn't seem to be resetting; my program would indicate that via LED9. Seems to be hanging or looping or something.
I'm surprised the PIC board would be so vulnerable to fairly small currents/voltages on the outputs of the relays. Seems like a design flaw.
Response from Tech Support:Board doesn't seem to be resetting; my program would indicate that via LED9. Seems to be hanging or looping or something.
I'm surprised the PIC board would be so vulnerable to fairly small currents/voltages on the outputs of the relays. Seems like a design flaw.
Again it may not be the currents flowing, but the electromagnetic interference or surges created by
the relays. Enable the watchdog (and service it of course). The hanging is most likely
a corrupted program counter and the watchdog will force a reset in that case and allow your code
to recover. Without watchdog, no reset, you're stuck in the endless loop forever.
A non-decoupled relay can induce/cause big surges (rise and drops) in the supply voltage WITHOUT any current flowing. How do you know that you don't have those surges on your supply line? Have you hooked up a storage scope with at least 200MHz bandwidth and looked at the Vcc line when your relays are switching? Even a 1ns surge (that a low-bandwith scope won't be able to resolve) can cause digital electronics to hang up.
If it is caused by EMI, than this is NOT something you can "see" - the same way that you can't see radio waves - unless you have very specialized equipment to do EMI measurements (a shielded room and a spectrum analyzer with EMI measuring probe).
Each time a relay switches, a spark (like a small lightning bolt) is created between contacts and that not once, but hundreds of them as the contacts bounce. Worn out relays make this effect even worse. These electric arcs create strong electromagnetic signals over a frequency range up to the hundreds of MHz. If those make it inside the micro, bits flip and registers get corrupted, that's why they came up with the concept of having a watchdog integrated. Switching relays is about the most hostile environment to which you can subject digital electronics. We used a rig made of relays to test our new chip designs for EMI/EMC performance at the company I worked previously. It never failed to make the chips hang up eventually.
How old are your relays? Are they decoupled the way the PIC-IO relays are via surge diodes (see the PIC-IO schematic to see what I'm talking about) ? How close (distance) to your relays is the PIC-I/O board ? How are the Grounds of your different items connected ? Are you daisy-chaining the ground from one to the next or does each have its own ground line going back to the same, single point of connection ?
Have you implemented the suggestions I made in my first response ?
- Use watchdog ?
- Decouple power supply into the PIC-IO board ?
The PIC-IO board works fine, if what is attached to it is properly designed and decoupled.
Another easy experiment you can do is to temporarily power the PIC-IO board by its OWN independent power supply. If the code still locks up, then your problem is most likely with EMI/EMC.
If using an independent power supply solves your problem, then the interference comes via the power supply line (or Ground line) and decoupling it like I suggested should fix that; eventually you will need another inductor in the GND line. You should also make sure that the Gnd of all your items are connected together at a single point of connection, don't run gnd in a string/daisy-chain fashion.
All of above of course assumes that there is no bug in your code that could also cause the program to hang-up.
Suggest you read up on EMC/EMI in relation to relays and what to do to prevent it.
From me to Tech Support:A non-decoupled relay can induce/cause big surges (rise and drops) in the supply voltage WITHOUT any current flowing. How do you know that you don't have those surges on your supply line? Have you hooked up a storage scope with at least 200MHz bandwidth and looked at the Vcc line when your relays are switching? Even a 1ns surge (that a low-bandwith scope won't be able to resolve) can cause digital electronics to hang up.
If it is caused by EMI, than this is NOT something you can "see" - the same way that you can't see radio waves - unless you have very specialized equipment to do EMI measurements (a shielded room and a spectrum analyzer with EMI measuring probe).
Each time a relay switches, a spark (like a small lightning bolt) is created between contacts and that not once, but hundreds of them as the contacts bounce. Worn out relays make this effect even worse. These electric arcs create strong electromagnetic signals over a frequency range up to the hundreds of MHz. If those make it inside the micro, bits flip and registers get corrupted, that's why they came up with the concept of having a watchdog integrated. Switching relays is about the most hostile environment to which you can subject digital electronics. We used a rig made of relays to test our new chip designs for EMI/EMC performance at the company I worked previously. It never failed to make the chips hang up eventually.
How old are your relays? Are they decoupled the way the PIC-IO relays are via surge diodes (see the PIC-IO schematic to see what I'm talking about) ? How close (distance) to your relays is the PIC-I/O board ? How are the Grounds of your different items connected ? Are you daisy-chaining the ground from one to the next or does each have its own ground line going back to the same, single point of connection ?
Have you implemented the suggestions I made in my first response ?
- Use watchdog ?
- Decouple power supply into the PIC-IO board ?
The PIC-IO board works fine, if what is attached to it is properly designed and decoupled.
Another easy experiment you can do is to temporarily power the PIC-IO board by its OWN independent power supply. If the code still locks up, then your problem is most likely with EMI/EMC.
If using an independent power supply solves your problem, then the interference comes via the power supply line (or Ground line) and decoupling it like I suggested should fix that; eventually you will need another inductor in the GND line. You should also make sure that the Gnd of all your items are connected together at a single point of connection, don't run gnd in a string/daisy-chain fashion.
All of above of course assumes that there is no bug in your code that could also cause the program to hang-up.
Suggest you read up on EMC/EMI in relation to relays and what to do to prevent it.
Thanks for all of the info. I need to read up and learn, and try
some things. Turns out my motor-box relays do have quenching diodes
across the inputs; don't know if they're working. Separate power-supply
will be difficult on my boat.
Response from Tech Support:
Separate power supply not permanently, only for test to narrow down possible problem
root cause.
Use a separate 9V block battery, or something like that to power the PIC-IO board.
The block battery will not last more than an hour but for a test that should be sufficient.
From Doug Hall:
If the relays don't have a "catch" diode on the relay coil, they will
generate a significant spike when they are turned off. The property of an
inductor is that it wants to maintain the current going through it (V
= L di/dt) so when the voltage is removed a fairly high pulse develops
across the coil for an instant. This pulse can induce noise into
adjacent lines. In some applications a diode will be placed
"backwards" across the relay coil to quench this spike. The spike can
reach hundreds of volts, and the resulting noise can cause problems
similar to what you're seeing.
More info here: and here:
More info here: and here:
From Robert Sparks:
I am not an electronics expert but have a suggestion. If possible,
have a look at the relay coils and consider placing a moderate value
capacitor across the coil activating inputs. Reason is, when a a coil
is energized, a magnetic field is generated around it. The initial
magnetic pulse can induce voltage in a host of unrelated/unconnected
circuits in physical or electrical proximity to the relay. That induced
voltage tendency is greatly magnified when the relay is opened and the
magnetic field collapses around the coil. A capacitor across the coil,
transparent to DC voltage, would absorb some of that spike, reduce the
speed of field collapse, and thus reduce the magnitude of the field.
It's a cheap and easy try and it might work.
PS: One way to check whether induced voltage is the problem is to unsolder one side of the relay input coil, thus removing it from the DC circuit. If you have more than one relay, do one at a time leaving each one in turn out of the circuit until the problem (hopefully) goes away.
PS: One way to check whether induced voltage is the problem is to unsolder one side of the relay input coil, thus removing it from the DC circuit. If you have more than one relay, do one at a time leaving each one in turn out of the circuit until the problem (hopefully) goes away.
From ed:
Consider CEMF spikes on the feed lines to the relays. These can
be corrected by: clamp diode or recirculating diode.
This condition will induce up to 20 or more times the original voltage back to the voltage source. When the relay is open and closed it causes the collapsing of the relay coil voltage thus producing a oppose voltage flow. Solution: place a small capacitor across the relay leads with proper lead connection to direct the reverse voltage to system ground.
Counter Electro Motive Force (CEMF)
This condition will induce up to 20 or more times the original voltage back to the voltage source. When the relay is open and closed it causes the collapsing of the relay coil voltage thus producing a oppose voltage flow. Solution: place a small capacitor across the relay leads with proper lead connection to direct the reverse voltage to system ground.
Counter Electro Motive Force (CEMF)
From me:
Powering the PIC board from a 9V battery fixed the problem. So the noise
is coming from my back-end auto-pilot relays, not the relays on the PIC board,
and is coming into the PIC board through the power connection.
I tried getting grab-bags of capacitors and inductors and adding them to the back-end auto-pilot relays, to try to stop the noise. Didn't work. So I ended up buying a rechargeable 12 VDC 4.5 AH battery to run the circuit board; that seems to work. If a 9 V battery (625 mAH, total of 5.6 W) runs the board for 1 hour, maybe this battery (12 V and 4.5 AH, total of 54 W) will run the board for 8 to 10 hours ?
I tried getting grab-bags of capacitors and inductors and adding them to the back-end auto-pilot relays, to try to stop the noise. Didn't work. So I ended up buying a rechargeable 12 VDC 4.5 AH battery to run the circuit board; that seems to work. If a 9 V battery (625 mAH, total of 5.6 W) runs the board for 1 hour, maybe this battery (12 V and 4.5 AH, total of 54 W) will run the board for 8 to 10 hours ?
From Batur Can:
Hi Bill. i am trying diy autopilot like you. I found your project on the net.
It is fit in my mind. I think you have a noise problem on the power line.
I think you tried many options but i have a suggestion. When i have this kind of
problems i use hi capacity capacitors. My idea put capacity between 14 and 5 pins
to the pic. Capacity 4700uf *2 or 4 16volt. Connect 2 or 4 4700uf parallel
and parallel 0,1 uf. Solder this group to the pins directly ( 5 is ground 14 is positive )
maybe back side of the board. Some times this solution works for suppress the
spikes. Remove the relays from the board. If you have a relay group for drive
the motor use an buffer uln2803 chip for drive the relays.
Power input to PIC-IO-18 (PIC-IO-A) board:
From Volker at Tech Support at MicroController Pros Corporation:
> What is the maximum input voltage for the nominally 12 VDC
> power connector ? I have a wind-generator that sometimes
> drives system voltage to 16 VDC.
If you look at the board schematic, you will see that portions of the board are powered DIRECTLY (without voltage regulator in between) from the 12 VDC - namely the coils of the relays, the transistors driving them and the LEDs indicating that the relays are switched on.
The critical part is the max specs of the relay, which you can see here: spec.
As you can see the relay coil voltage is rated at 12 VDC nominal and 130% VDC MAX. 130% of 12 V is 15.6 VDC MAX. If you exceed this voltage you risk damaging the relays. That damage may not occur immediately, but will rather manifest itself in a failure over time as the stress accumulates.
The LEDs will also be stressed beyond their maximum spec at 16 VDC. A 14.7 V / 0.5 kOhm = 29.4 mA current will flow through the LEDs when on, which is higher than the 25 mA spec. The LEDs will not immediately break because of this, they will light brighter and eventually burn out (long after your relays have burned out).
> power connector ? I have a wind-generator that sometimes
> drives system voltage to 16 VDC.
If you look at the board schematic, you will see that portions of the board are powered DIRECTLY (without voltage regulator in between) from the 12 VDC - namely the coils of the relays, the transistors driving them and the LEDs indicating that the relays are switched on.
The critical part is the max specs of the relay, which you can see here: spec.
As you can see the relay coil voltage is rated at 12 VDC nominal and 130% VDC MAX. 130% of 12 V is 15.6 VDC MAX. If you exceed this voltage you risk damaging the relays. That damage may not occur immediately, but will rather manifest itself in a failure over time as the stress accumulates.
The LEDs will also be stressed beyond their maximum spec at 16 VDC. A 14.7 V / 0.5 kOhm = 29.4 mA current will flow through the LEDs when on, which is higher than the 25 mA spec. The LEDs will not immediately break because of this, they will light brighter and eventually burn out (long after your relays have burned out).
7/2012: Someone has told me that my code is "taking the current heading to the destination way point (stored in variable nSteerBearing) and treating it as the error in the current bearing. The code in question is after the comment 'time to do something'. What I think is really needed is the difference between the current bearing and the bearing to the destination. I am planning to get the current bearing from the GPVTG sentence, compare it to field 11 and steer appropriately.".
[He could well be right; I don't know.]
8/2012 received this:
Ian is 100% correct about the VTG changes to the auto-pilot. The program is reading the Xtrack error as a steering reference. The GPRMB sentence alone is not enough information to steer correctly as the field "11" only gives the starting point bearing. Also the Steering bearing minimum is not referenced to anything so it will revert to "0", meaning the program won't steer at all if the starting bearing is in the degree range stated in the steering bearing minimum. I'm presently trying to get the program modified to read the VTG sentence and compare the " true track made good" to the GPRMB "true bearing to destination".
Scratch that, on my unit the RMC gives the true course, that'll be what I have to use.
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GPS-auto-pilot program on PIC-IO-18 (PIC-IO-A) board // with PIC16F628A chip installed. // Connect GPS at 9600 baud to DB9 connector on PIC-IO-18 board. // Connect relays 1 and 2 to auto-pilot "back-end" (some // electrically-controlled steering mechanism) in your boat. // Create a waypoint in the GPS. // Tell GPS to "go to" the waypoint. // Auto-pilot should steer to the waypoint. // Normal operation: at power-up, board's LED9 should turn on for 2.5 secs, // then should blink on and off as each NMEA sentence is received from GPS. // While GPS is in goto-waypoint mode, relay 1 or 2 should turn on to // steer boat back onto course as needed. // So: // - If LED9 doesn't turn on at startup, maybe board doesn't have power, // or auto-pilot program hasn't been downloaded into board, or board // or chip is bad. // - If LED9 doesn't blink while GPS is on, maybe wiring from GPS to board // is wrong, or GPS is not producing NMEA output, or NMEA baud rate // doesn't match what the program is expecting. // - If relays don't come on as boat goes off-course, maybe GPS is not // in goto-waypoint mode, or boat is within arrived-at-waypoint distance, // or GPS does not produce NMEA $GPRMB sentence that the program is // expecting. // - If relay comes on but boat course does not change, maybe wiring from // board relays to your auto-pilot back-end is wrong, or your back-end // is not working. // - If auto-pilot steering sensitivity or aggressiveness is wrong, change // STEERING_ON_DURATION, STEERING_AFTER_DURATION, and/or // STEERING_BEARING_MINIMUM values, rebuild program, download it to // board, and test again. // Note: program requires just over 1K of program space in processor, // with LITE compiler. Supposedly PRO compiler would require half that. // Could remove some error-checking code to get under the 1K limit. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <pic.h> #include <pic16f62xa.h> __CONFIG(UNPROTECT & LVPDIS & BORDIS & MCLREN & PWRTDIS & WDTDIS & HS); // 0x3F2A /* for PIC-IO-18 board, oscillator configuration == HS */ /* for PIC-IO-18 board: output: RB5 = status LED9 inputs: RA4 = LED1/IN1, RB0 = LED2/IN2, RB3 = LED3/IN3, RB4 = LED4/IN4 outputs/relays: RA3 = LED5/RELAY1, RA2 = LED6/RELAY2, RA1 = LED7/RELAY3, RA0 = LED8/RELAY4 for auto-pilot application: RB5/LED9 toggled when character received RA3/LED5/RELAY1 turned on to steer left RA2/LED6/RELAY2 turned on to steer right For my old auto-pilot back-end, need to apply line positive to either R or L terminal of back-end to effect steering right or left. Although my particular back-end would tolerate it, want to avoid any possibility of turning on BOTH at same time (software error could turn on both relays at same time). In some systems, maybe this could short power to ground and blow something up. So do wiring to make this software error harmless: - connect line positive to center post of relay 1. - connect "on" post of relay 1 to "L". - connect "off" post of relay 1 to center post of relay 2. - connect "on" post of relay 2 to "R". Now relay 2 will not get any connection to positive unless relay 1 is off. No possibility of both "L" and "R" getting connected to positive even if both relays get turned on at same time. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // do RS232 9600 baud, 8 bits #define BAUD 9600 #define FOSC 20000000L #define DIVIDER ((int)(FOSC/(16UL * BAUD) -1))// for >= 9600 baud //#define DIVIDER ((int)(FOSC/(64UL * BAUD) -1))// for < 9600 baud // signal permanent errors by setting relays 3 and 4 ? // if 1, then don't wire anything to relays 3 and 4 ! #define SIGNAL_PERMANENT_ERRORS_ON_RELAYS_3_AND_4 1 // tweak these parameters to make auto-pilot steering more or less aggressive // duration of steering in 10 msec units (actually, seems to be more like 12.5 msec units) #define STEERING_ON_DURATION 250 // duration of after-steering wait in 10 msec units (actually, seems to be more like 12.5 msec units) // (not sure of maximum value before overflow; tested up to 6000 #define STEERING_AFTER_DURATION 1500 // don't try to correct until GPS says we're at least this many degrees off course // includes digit after decimal point, so divide by 10 to get degrees from on-track #define STEERING_BEARING_MINIMUM 50 // sentence from GPS will look like: // $GPRMB,A,0.66,L,003,004,4917.24,N,12309.57,W,001.3,052.5,000.5,V*0BCRLF int nNextField = 0; // NMEA field num; fields are comma-separated int nNextPosInField = 0; // char num within field int nXTError = 0; // GPS error "n.nn" converted to integer nnn int nSteerBearing = 0; // GPS error "n.nn" converted to integer nnn char cSteerDir = ' '; // If count>0, we are starting up. Stop when it gets down to 0. long lStartingCount = 0; // If count>0, we are steering. Stop steering when it gets down to 0. long lSteeringCount = 0; // If count>0, we are waiting after steering. Stop waiting when down to 0. long lPostSteeringCount = 0; bit bPermanentFatalError = 0; bit bLED9On = 0; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- main(void) { TRISA = 0; // all port A bits output TRISB = 0; // all port B bits output PORTA = 0x00; // turn all outputs off PORTB = 0x00; // turn all outputs off lStartingCount = 200; lSteeringCount = 0; // not steering lPostSteeringCount = 0; bLED9On = 0; // Timer 0 is an 8-bit counter that interrupts // when it overflows from 0xFF to 0x00. // There is an 8-bit "prescaler", which counts // how many cycles (0-256) to ignore before incrementing // the counter each time. // This prescaler is shared with the watchdog timer. OPTION = 0b0111; // Timer 0 prescale by 1:256 T0CS = 0; // Timer 0 increments on instruction clock T0IE = 1; // Enable interrupt on TMR0 overflow // initialize communications TRISB = 0x06; // RB1 and RB2 used by USART SPBRG = DIVIDER;// set baud rate RCSTA = 0x80; // serial port enable, 8-bit TXSTA = 0x04; // 8-bit, no-xmit, async, high-speed RCIE = 1; // enable recv interrupts TXIE = 0; // no xmit interrupts CREN = 1; // continuous recv enable RB5 = 1; // LED9 on while starting PEIE = 1; // enable peripheral ints; needed for USART GIE = 1; // Global interrupt enable for(;;) NOP(); // do nothing forever; action happens in interrupt routine } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // interrupt function - the name is unimportant static void interrupt isr(void) { char cInput = ' '; // timer 0 overflow ? if (T0IF) { if (bPermanentFatalError) { T0IF = 0; // clear interrupt flag, ready for next return; } if (lStartingCount > 0) { lStartingCount--; if (lStartingCount <= 0) RB5 = 0; // LED9 off after starting } else if (lSteeringCount > 0) { lSteeringCount--; if (lSteeringCount <= 0) { // stop steering lSteeringCount = 0; // don't steer left //RA3 = 0; // LED5/RELAY1 //RA2 = 0; // LED6/RELAY2 // don't steer right //RA1 = 0; // LED7/RELAY3 //RA0 = 0; // LED8/RELAY4 //PORTA ^= 0xF0; // turn off RA0/RA1/RA2/RA3 bits PORTA = 0x00; // turn off RA0/RA1/RA2/RA3 bits lPostSteeringCount = STEERING_AFTER_DURATION; } } else if (lPostSteeringCount > 0) { lPostSteeringCount--; } T0IF = 0; // clear interrupt flag, ready for next } // received char ? else if (RCIF) { if (bPermanentFatalError) { cInput = RCREG; RCIF = 0; return; } if (FERR) { // framing error cInput = RCREG; // clears FERR // no way to tell user about problem !!! if (lStartingCount == 0) { lSteeringCount = 0; lPostSteeringCount = 0; #if SIGNAL_PERMANENT_ERRORS_ON_RELAYS_3_AND_4 // to signal problem PORTA = 0x03; // turn on RA0/RA1 bits; RELAY4/RELAY3 bPermanentFatalError = 1; #endif } // ignore any partial line recved nNextField = 0; nNextPosInField = 0; RCIF = 0; // clear interrupt flag, ready for next char return; } cInput = RCREG; if ((lStartingCount == 0) && (cInput == '$')) { // toggle LED9 to show that a char was received bLED9On = !bLED9On; RB5 = bLED9On; // LED9 } // while starting or steering or waiting after steering, ignore GPS output if ((lStartingCount > 0) || (lSteeringCount > 0) || (lPostSteeringCount > 0)) { cInput = ' '; nNextField = 0; nNextPosInField = 0; } // sentence from GPS will look like: // $GPRMB,A,0.66,L,003,004,4917.24,N,12309.57,W,001.3,052.5,000.5,V*0BCRLF // ^----- steer left or right (field 3) // ^^^^----- cross-track error (field 2) // (field 11) true bearing to dest ------^^^^^ // (field 13) 'A' if within arrival circle ------^ // 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 if (nNextField == 0) { const char sStart[10] = "$GPRMB"; if (cInput == sStart[nNextPosInField]) nNextPosInField++; else if (cInput == ',') { nNextField++; nNextPosInField = 0; } else // unexpected char; give up // nNextField is 0 already nNextPosInField = 0; } else if (nNextField == 1) { // Status field if ((nNextPosInField == 0) && (cInput == 'A')) { // okay nNextPosInField++; } else if ((nNextPosInField == 1) && (cInput == ',')) { nXTError = 0; nNextField++; nNextPosInField = 0; } else { // unexpected char; give up nNextField = 0; nNextPosInField = 0; } } else if (nNextField == 2) { // XTK error magnitude if ((cInput >= '0') && (cInput <= '9')) { nXTError = (nXTError * 10) + (cInput - '0'); } else if (cInput == '.') { // do nothing } else if (cInput == ',') { nNextField++; nNextPosInField = 0; } else { // unexpected char; give up nNextField = 0; nNextPosInField = 0; } } else if (nNextField == 3) { // steering direction if ((nNextPosInField == 0) && ((cInput == 'L') || (cInput == 'R'))) { cSteerDir = cInput; nNextPosInField++; } else if ((nNextPosInField == 1) && (cInput == ',')) { nSteerBearing = 0; nNextField++; nNextPosInField = 0; } else { // unexpected char; give up nNextField = 0; nNextPosInField = 0; } } else if (nNextField == 11) { // steering bearing if ((cInput >= '0') && (cInput <= '9')) { nSteerBearing = (nSteerBearing * 10) + (cInput - '0'); } else if (cInput == '.') { // skip decimal point } else if (cInput == ',') { nNextField++; nNextPosInField = 0; } else { // unexpected char; give up nNextField = 0; nNextPosInField = 0; } } else if (nNextField > 11) { // time to do something //if (nXTError < 10) // cSteerDir = 'N'; // don't steer if (nSteerBearing < STEERING_BEARING_MINIMUM) cSteerDir = 'N'; // don't steer // now start steering if (cSteerDir == 'R') { // error to right, steer left RA3 = 1; // LED5/RELAY1 // PORTA = 0x0C; // turn on RA2/RA3 bits } else if (cSteerDir == 'L') { // error to left, steer right RA2 = 1; // LED6/RELAY2 // RA1 = 1; // LED7/RELAY3 // RA0 = 1; // LED8/RELAY4 // PORTA = 0x03; // turn on RA0/RA1 bits; RELAY4/RELAY3 } else { // don't steer } if ((cSteerDir == 'L') || (cSteerDir == 'R')) { lSteeringCount = STEERING_ON_DURATION; lPostSteeringCount = 0; } // ready to start next sentence nNextField = 0; nNextPosInField = 0; } else { // process char in field we don't care about if (cInput == ',') { nNextField++; nNextPosInField = 0; } else { // do nothing; throw char away } } if (OERR) { // overrun error CREN = 0; #if SIGNAL_PERMANENT_ERRORS_ON_RELAYS_3_AND_4 // to signal problem PORTA = 0x01; // turn on RA0; RELAY4 bPermanentFatalError = 1; #endif lSteeringCount = 0; lPostSteeringCount = 0; // ignore any partial line recved nNextField = 0; nNextPosInField = 0; CREN = 1; } RCIF = 0; // clear interrupt flag, ready for next char } // unexpected interrupt else { // no way to tell user about problem !!! if (!bPermanentFatalError) { lSteeringCount = 0; lPostSteeringCount = 0; #if SIGNAL_PERMANENT_ERRORS_ON_RELAYS_3_AND_4 // to signal problem PORTA = 0x02; // turn on RA1; RELAY3 bPermanentFatalError = 1; #endif } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------